On this page:
Frosthaven Manager

Frosthaven Manager🔗

D. Ben Knoble

    1 About Frosthaven Manager

      1.1 Thanks

      1.2 Get Involved

    2 Installing Frosthaven Manager

      2.1 Windows

      2.2 Linux

      2.3 macOS

    3 How to play

      3.1 Getting started

      3.2 Setting up the players

      3.3 Setting up the scenario

      3.4 Setting up the monsters

        3.4.1 Choosing a bestiary

        3.4.2 Adding monsters to the scenario

      3.5 Setting up the loot deck

      3.6 Setting up round prompts

      3.7 Play the scenario

        3.7.1 Elements tracker

        3.7.2 Monster and round controls

 Adding bless and curse

 Drawing from the monster modifier deck

 Advancing the scenario

        3.7.3 Creature list

 Player controls

 Monster group controls

        3.7.4 Scenario information and loot

      3.8 Saving and loading a game

      3.9 Other utilities

    4 Troubleshooting

      4.1 Reference Material

      4.2 FAQs

    5 Programming a Scenario

      5.1 Where Can I Store Scenario Programs?

      5.2 Bestiary Format by Example

        5.2.1 Write Your Own Monster

        5.2.2 Using Multiple Bestiaries

      5.3 Bestiary Format Reference

      5.4 Area-of-Effect Specification by Example

      5.5 Area-of-Effect Specification Reference

      5.6 Foe Specification by Example

      5.7 Foe Specification Format Reference

      5.8 Programming Loot

    6 Contributor’s Guide

      6.1 Setting up for development

        6.1.1 Running tests

        6.1.2 Rebuild the package

        6.1.3 View the local documentation

      6.2 Contributing guidelines

      6.3 Navigating the code

      6.4 Debugging

    7 Developer Reference

      7.1 aoe

      7.2 aoe-images

      7.3 Constant Formatting and Parsing

      7.4 contracts

      7.5 defns

        7.5.1 Level Info

        7.5.2 Loot Deck

        7.5.3 Monster Cards

        7.5.4 Players

        7.5.5 Scenario

      7.6 elements

      7.7 enum-helpers

      7.8 icons

      7.9 manager

        7.9.1 manager/state

        7.9.2 manager/ability-decks

        7.9.3 manager/modifier-decks

        7.9.4 manager/db

        7.9.5 manager/elements

        7.9.6 manager/loot

        7.9.7 manager/round-prompts

        7.9.8 manager/transition

        7.9.9 manager/save

      7.10 gui

        7.10.1 gui/common-menu

        7.10.2 gui/counter

        7.10.3 gui/elements

        7.10.4 gui/font

        7.10.5 gui/formula-editor

        7.10.6 gui/helpers

        7.10.7 gui/level-info

        7.10.8 gui/level-picker

        7.10.9 gui/loot

        7.10.10 gui/manager

        7.10.11 gui/markdown

        7.10.12 gui/mixins

        7.10.13 gui/monster-modifier

        7.10.14 gui/monsters

        7.10.15 gui/number-players

        7.10.16 gui/player-info

        7.10.17 gui/render

        7.10.18 gui/rewards

        7.10.19 gui/rich-text-display

 Rich Text Model

        7.10.20 gui/round-number

        7.10.21 gui/round-prompts

        7.10.22 gui/server

        7.10.23 gui/stacked-tables

        7.10.24 gui/static-table

        7.10.25 gui/table

      7.11 files

      7.12 bestiary

      7.13 monster-db

      7.14 parsers

        7.14.1 parsers/foes

        7.14.2 parsers/formula

        7.14.3 parsers/monster

      7.15 observable-operator

      7.16 pp

        7.16.1 pp/bestiary

      7.17 qi/list2hash

      7.18 qi/utils

      7.19 server

      7.20 syntax

        7.20.1 syntax/module-reader

        7.20.2 syntax/monsters
