2021-12-7 08:54:06

It’s a cool fact that the minimiser of ∑_i |x_i - m| is the median of the x_i. So that reduces the search space in part 1 to one. I’m embarrassed to tell you my part 2 because, although my solution worked, I can’t prove that it should.

2021-12-7 14:29:12

> It’s a cool fact that the minimiser of ∑_i |x_i - m| is the median of the x_i I didn’t know that. I love it! :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-12-7 15:36:25

Back to the median… one thing I couldn’t prove to myself last night was whether the solution would always be a member of the dataset (e.g. meaning the median or similar couldn’t work). I always felt like there’d be some set of data where the optimal end position wouldn’t be in the original data. But I couldn’t prove it to myself one way or the other quickly enough.

2021-12-7 15:37:10

The median need not be in the dataset. The median of {1, 3} is 2.

2021-12-7 15:37:55

But it is an optimal position (in this case the fuel costs for any of 1,2, or 3 are the same). In part2, 2 would be the unique solution I think.

2021-12-7 15:42:19

> The median need not be in the dataset. The median of {1, 3} is 2. Heh, I always remembered the median as being the middle of the dataset, but a member of the dataset. But, looking it up again, you’re absolutely right. That does make it more plausible.

2021-12-7 16:27:59

<https://github.com/lojic/LearningRacket/blob/master/advent-of-code–2021/solutions/day07/day07.rkt|Day 7> - pleased with the aesthetics of this one using for/sum and for/list One thing I enjoy trying to do with Advent of Code is to minimize the differences between parts as much as possible. For today, the only difference is: (define part1-cost identity) (define (part2-cost n) (/ (* n (add1 n)) 2))

2021-12-7 17:05:47

<https://github.com/otherjoel/advent-of-code/blob/main/2021/day07.rkt|My day 7> — I guessed at using the median for part 1 and that worked fine. Then I guessed I would need the average for part 2, and when it didn’t immediately work I went all round the houses trying to zero in by recursively bifurcating the range. Then I brute forced it and realized the optimal position was one less than my average, which I’d rounded to the nearest integer. So I found that I could pass both the test inputs and the real one by taking the more optimal of (floor average) and (ceiling average).

2021-12-7 17:07:17

Finishes part 2 in 116 μs

2021-12-7 17:22:48


2021-12-7 18:55:31

Nice work @joel - I took your idea to create <https://github.com/lojic/LearningRacket/blob/master/advent-of-code–2021/solutions/day07/day07-joeldueck.rkt|a fast version> of part 2 only. My <https://github.com/lojic/LearningRacket/blob/master/advent-of-code–2021/solutions/day07/day07.rkt|brute force solution> takes 44,000 μs, and the fast version using your idea takes 19 μs. That’s quite a difference! I was going for elegance today.

2021-12-7 19:11:46

Nice! I kinda like how you space things out when there are double parens/brackets

2021-12-7 19:20:34

Apparently one way to think about is that the travel cost is quadratic, and the way to minimize the sum of squares distances is to find the mean. Not that I get any of that, I’m just paraphrasing what I read when I peeked at peter norvig’s python solutions, hehe

2021-12-7 19:32:53

<https://github.com/lojic/LearningRacket/blob/master/advent-of-code–2021/solutions/day07/day07-joeldueck-unsafe.rkt|Final tweak> of my port of Joel’s using unsafe arithmetic. Pretty ugly, but it went from 19 μs down to 17 μs :)

2021-12-7 19:42:36

@hoshom where did you see Norvig’s code? I’d like to bookmark it.

2021-12-8 00:55:26

@berkozkutuk has joined the channel

2021-12-8 01:08:23
