2021-12-12 15:12:46

I feel like there’s a solution that involves caching the paths from any node in the graph where the key is the node + whether or not you’ve already looped or not.

2021-12-12 21:09:52

seems like a pretty well-defined method for doing it, most of the differences are going to be in how you pick the data types and organize the edges

2021-12-12 22:54:30

Essentially a port of a solution shared by a friend (<>): <> Part2 is really slow on my input

2021-12-12 23:59:32

<–2021/solutions/day12/day12.rkt|Day 12>

2021-12-13 05:23:29

Day 13 spoilers

2021-12-13 05:23:59

Today’s was really simple. I managed to score <500 on the global leaderboard for the first time this year.

2021-12-13 07:24:04

Did mine initially with a bit-vector, but then thought a bit more and went back for sparse matrix:

Not sure about anyone else, but one part of my input data was not down the middle, which caused a little bit of a headache using the bit-vectors, but was obviously a non-issue for the hash table.

2021-12-13 07:26:36

This is the first advent puzzle I’ve done in 3 years that has been about “graphical” output that needed to be interpreted by me for the solution. I thought that was pretty cool.