2021-6-21 14:59:57

Would really love for defproc to support more common information besides contracts:

  • Time complexity
  • Space complexity
  • Has side effect?
  • Thread safety
  • Exception

2021-6-21 15:03:24

How do you envision the result? Something like each item has a paragraph, or something more formally structured?

2021-6-21 15:05:17

Something like, but I think a new heading/section is kinda too much.

2021-6-21 15:10:58

Ok, so just dedicated paragraph sections that the use fills with text then. Tbh, the c++ reference manual is pretty clear. The long page style of Racket is often quite nice when there are many small functions, but sometimes it gets in the way of good, long, organized descriptions like the page above

2021-6-21 19:04:12

Maybe doesn’t need to be at the procedure level, but if something logs to a topic the name of that topic is nice to know.

2021-6-22 04:18:56

I like the infoboxes that Wikipedia uses. They’re a great way to organize quick facts about an algorithm (like those listed above).