2018-11-7 09:05:08

@soegaard2 Yeah I already stumbled upon your code, as I was trying urlang :slightly_smiling_face: I’m not convinced yet about at-exprs… It feels convoluted compared to s-expressions, but it might just be me…

2018-11-7 15:54:24

is there something like rtags for racket in vim?

2018-11-7 15:54:30

(or ctags)

2018-11-7 19:20:07

@macocio I’ve got a .ctags file that’s been working OK for me.

2018-11-7 20:53:35

@macocio yeah. I use ctags with --langmap=Scheme:+.rkt --languages=Ruby,Lisp,YACC,C,C++,Scheme (and a bunch of other stuff, all wrapped up in a script called retag)

2018-11-7 21:59:07

seems i missed a bunch of discussion re: lang pure

2018-11-7 22:00:09

re: hofs, my impression was to not worry if the user decides to do something impure

2018-11-7 22:01:28

my feeling is that the value is that you can reason about your code inside of pure as pure code; if the effectful code that uses your code does something wrong, not your fault

2018-11-7 22:01:47

@zenspider oh neat. I do wish there was an AST-level matcher though, since macros can obfuscate definitions. rtags is really awesome for C and C++

2018-11-7 22:02:25

i dont think purity is such a hard concept that its much to expect people to understand it

2018-11-7 22:02:31

@joelmccracken these are my thoughts as well, it does not matter if you happen to provide a function that is impure to run inside pure, if that fn comes from outside

2018-11-7 22:03:00

or at least - it doesnt matter in a simple basic #lang pure, ofc it matters in other contexts

2018-11-7 22:04:41

not saying it totally doesn’t matter, just that it seems like its possible that could be a good cost/benefit payoff

2018-11-7 22:06:18

@zenspider any way of getting ctags to work on (require FILE)? Would be nice to jump into it

2018-11-7 23:26:27

I’m not sure that makes sense for ctags. racket-mode can handle that and more tho.