2018-11-12 04:52:52

Not sure if I’m being just being blind, but I can’t seem to run the examples for make-struct-info in https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/structinfo.html#%28def._%28%28lib._racket%2Fstruct-info..rkt%29._make-struct-info%29%29 When I run the following in the DrRacket definitions window #lang racket (require racket/struct-info) (define (new-pair? x) (displayln "new pair?") (pair? x)) (define (new-car x) (displayln "new car") (car x)) (define (new-cdr x) (displayln "new cdr") (cdr x)) (define-syntax new-list (make-struct-info (λ () (list #f #'cons #'new-pair? (list #'new-cdr #'new-car) (list #f #f) #t)))) I get make-struct-info: undefined; cannot reference an identifier before its definition Does anyone know what’s going on?

2018-11-12 04:57:39

@michaelmmacleod you probably want (require (for-syntax racket/struct-info))

That example should probably be changed to clarify that you need the for-syntax require

2018-11-12 04:58:17

Ah, silly me — it works now, thanks!