2019-6-14 00:08:19

@megavlad has joined the channel

2019-6-14 03:03:16

Not with list alone, but you can use (list* 'a 'b (list 'c 'd)) or (append (list 'a 'b) (list 'c 'd)).

2019-6-14 03:16:07

Well, with append, those would just be (append (list 'a 'b) (list 'c 'd) (list 'e 'f)). But you could also use flatten, if none of the subelements are lists.

2019-6-14 03:25:06

I have a kind of silly macro question. I am using @samth’s parser tools. I wanted to define a form that would help me wrap all of a parser’s productions with enclosing source information.

That library provides a parser form ( That form expects several clauses. One of those has to be a grammar form, specifying the grammar along with productions for each rule. I wanted to create a macro that would replace grammar and then match against each parser action and wrap it in a specific thunk that added source information. When I tried to do this, the library gave me back (predictably) an error that it expected a grammar form rather than my instrumented-grammar form. Is there a way I could get past this?

2019-6-14 03:25:53

I feel like maybe I could like elaborately treat the code that generates the parser as syntax and then like splice them together manually using quote-syntax and such..

2019-6-14 03:55:57

@krismicinski You might find this blog post I wrote a little while ago relevant:

2019-6-14 03:56:49

(I would not necessarily recommend literally using the expand-inside form defined in the blog post, but you might be able to reuse the same techniques.)

2019-6-14 03:57:39

Also, I don’t think parser-tools is Sam’s, fwiw.

2019-6-14 05:18:56

ah my mistake, it was his picture on github, but he’s probably mirroring

2019-6-14 05:19:12

@lexi.lambda thanks! Looks great

2019-6-14 05:20:04

wow, yes, this is great.