2019-6-18 21:13:35

Hi all! I decided to play around with SKI combinators today, defined thusly: (define s (curry (lambda (f g x) (f x (g x))))) (define k (curry (lambda (x y) x))) (define i (lambda (x) x)) I came up with this way to “invert” K (const) so as to return the second argument instead of the first: (((k i) x) y) this worked fine. However, I decided not to test this way of calling it: ((ki) x y) as I assumed the currying would take care of it. However, after attempting to use it to define regular function application (which was my real intention) in conjunction with the S combinator, it just wouldn’t work: (s (k i) f x) after trying a few different ways, I was about to give up when I tried it in Haskell and, lo and behold, it worked: Prelude> s f g x = f x (g x) Prelude> k x y = x Prelude> i x = x Prelude> (s (k i) (+ 1) 6) 7 any idea how best to remedy this? I think what’s happening is: (((k i) 4) 5) => (((lambda (y) i) 4) 5) => ((k i 4) 5) (i 5) works fine, as it’s just applying id to 5. However: ((k i) 4 5) => ((lambda (y) i) 4 5)

tries to apply that lambda of one argument (returned by (k i)) to two arguments, instead of first applying 4 to it, returning the identity function, and only then applying it to 5. This does actually make sense if you think about it this way, but this wasn’t how I expected it to work when I came up with the solution, and in that sense Haskell just seemed to do “the right thing”. Sorry if this is a bit of a weird question. I’d rather do this sort of stuff in Racket as it’s my preferred language, is all, and it makes things a whole lot less cumbersome if you have that sort of freedom in applying arguments. Cheers :slightly_smiling_face: Edit: other than just being careful with paren placement/argument application, of course!

Also, I imagine you’ve probably already seen this @soegaard2, but regarding self-evaluating-evaluators: λf.(λx.f(xx))(λx.f(xx)))(λem.m(λx.x)(λmn.em(en))(λmv.e(mv))) I just so happened to come across this one researching those same SKI combinators.

2019-6-18 21:16:29

@sydney.lambda basically, you need to decide if you’re passing arguments 1 at a time or multiple at a time

2019-6-18 21:17:09

while it’s possible to write a function F such that both ((F x) y) and (F x y) work and do the same thing, I don’t recommend it

2019-6-18 21:21:35

Ah, I figured this was a bit of round-peg/square-hole situation, cheers. I guess I should bite the bullet and create a little SKI interpreter/language or something.

2019-6-19 00:37:12

The cool thing to do with SKI is to create a compiler from the lambda calculus.