2019-6-27 08:25:50

Yes, I really like this improved message. The first time I got it, I had a feeling the compiler was talking to me like an old friend. Something like “Come on, you know this error already. Believe in yourself, and the truth will come from inside.”

2019-6-27 17:25:29

Does anyone have any experience introducing Racket into a mid-sized company? I’m trying (as a senior engineer) on a hackathon project, but basically everyone is like LISP?! F THAT! I managed to introduce Clojure into my last gig, for better or worse, and the way to do it was having greenlighting a read-only cljs/clj project that basically displayed data in a highly efficient way and quickly.

2019-6-27 20:27:24

@hunter I’ve used it for small command line tools in a mid sized company. That situation was similar to yours: the code didn’t need to be actively maintained after it was written, so nobody felt like they might have to take ownership of a codebase that’s alien to them

2019-6-27 20:28:29

@notjack that’s good advice, command line tools is basically where I’m at but even then I’ve gotten some pushback, but I think it’s the best place to start

2019-6-27 20:28:33

thank you

2019-6-27 20:29:40

@hunter happy to help :) I also strongly recommend documenting your tools with Scribble. That’s a great way to show off what racket can do.

2019-6-27 20:29:51


2019-6-27 20:30:33


2019-6-27 20:30:38

i’ll check it out