2019-12-4 14:21:57

@george.privon has joined the channel

2019-12-5 05:21:48

@racket192 has joined the channel

2019-12-5 07:32:53

This is a big ask but, I figured I may as well put it out there: does anyone here have experience with frtime, and would they be willing to walk me through a sort of 101 example of having something move based on keypresses? The examples are beyond me I’m afraid, and some of the functions (from the pong example) don’t seem to be documented as far as I can tell (-=>).

Thanks :) Racket is my favourite language, so I figured it would be ideal to learn frp through a language that is part of the ecosystem - not sure if that’s the right call but if possible I’d like to try.

2019-12-5 07:35:30

Just for context, I think I understand the principles behind frp. Instead of manually polling for everything, you have signals that act like the lazy, infinite stream of all keypresses past/present/future, and you filter and map these as if they were just streams.