2020-4-17 08:15:44

If I want to call a method on each of a list of objects I know I can do (for-each (λ (node) (send node set-visited #f)) nodes-list) Is there any way I could use apply? I can’t see any way it could work.

2020-4-17 10:01:29

apply calls a function once, but the argument list can be dynamically created. I think what you have is perfectly fine already

2020-4-17 10:02:13

Another way to write your code is to use for:

(for ([node (in-list nodes-list)]) (send node set-visited #f))

2020-4-17 10:04:23

@sorawee Thanks, I thought that might be the case. I like the alternative.

2020-4-17 14:19:43