2020-7-13 16:17:48

I might be misreading something here but shouldn’t (color-prefs:lookup-in-color-scheme 'framework:syntax-color:scheme:keyword) get me the current style-delta that is being used for that type of entry?

2020-7-13 16:23:13

I guess I don’t understand style-delta% enough. I’m trying to go from a style-delta% to a string suitable for framework:color-schemes. I wish marshalling the style delta gave me the correct format…

2020-7-13 17:59:10

Facing another problem.

I expected code such as:

(color-prefs:lookup-in-color-scheme 'framework:basic-canvas-background) To reflect what is actually manually defined in the preferences screen but it does not. Can someone help finding a way to get the actual values used by DrRacket?

2020-7-13 18:28:08

Interesting. It works for the theme “Classic” and “White on black”, but doesn’t work with other themes.

2020-7-13 18:28:51

For other themes, (color-prefs:lookup-in-color-scheme 'framework:basic-canvas-background) is always '(255 255 255)

2020-7-13 18:29:21

Even after we adjust the background color manually

2020-7-13 18:39:12


2020-7-13 18:39:58

I was building an entry for the quickscript competition, it was supposed to gather all the values you have manually set and export them to a new package so that it becomes easier for us to share colorschemes, but I can’t get accurate values.

2020-7-13 18:41:38

The values I get seem to always resemble the ones in “Classic” regardless of any selected colorscheme or manual setting.

2020-7-13 19:54:01

The implementation of color-prefs seems to have a lot of layered legacy and special case handling, iirc from looking through it a couple of months ago, and some issues which I started to document in and in case any of that helps.

2020-7-13 20:14:40

In case the titles don’t seem directly relevant : the issues contain a lot of discussion beyond the issue mentioned in the title.