2020-7-19 10:21:51

About racket/class system, I still have some confusion. Can Racket’s handle multiple inheritance about fields?

For example: (define core-1-interface (interface () get-state)) (define core-1-mixin (mixin () (core-1-interface) (super-new) (init-field state) (define/public (get-state) state) )) (define core-2-interface (interface () get-state)) (define core-2-mixin (mixin () (core-2-interface) (super-new) (init-field state) (define/public (get-state) state) )) ;; How to do name resolution for double-core? (define double-core% (core-2-mixin (core-1-mixin object%))) ; Error: ; class*: superclass already contains method ; superclass: #<class:...lict/double-core.rkt:5:2> ; method name: get-state In this example, both core-1 and core-2 have the field state and the method get-state, they are the same name. Can I define a class double-core by reusing core-1 and core-2?

Note that if get-state are pure methods (or assume they share state), then we can abstract two traits to work around it. e.g. define core-1-trait and core-2-trait, and use trait-alias and trait-sum to flatten them. That means they will use the same (one) state in some class eventually. But here, the state in core-1 and state in core-2 are two different states. How racket/class system handle this situation? Thanks.

2020-7-20 04:01:41

@st8l3ss has joined the channel