2020-8-13 17:33:26

@keith has joined the channel

2020-8-13 22:46:33

Thinking of REPLs in general, not just in Racket:    Some of the most popular REPL-based workflows don’t involve spending most of your time typing in the REPL – they’re more about using the editor window and REPL hand-in-hand.    Here’s one scenario: You would spend most of your time typing in the editor. You select an expression or definition and hit a keyboard shortcut to send it to the REPL to evaluate. You get the best of both worlds: you get the comfort of editing code in the editor (which in most programming environments is much nicer than typing in the REPL), and having your definitions sitting in the editor window ready to be saved at any time. But you still get the ability to instantly evaluate a small chunk of code, rather than having to run your whole file from time to bottom each time you want to try something.    Back to Racket: unfortunately, DrRacket isn’t particularly friendly to this approach, since it doesn’t provide any shortcut to send a piece of code to the REPL. But in addition to DrRacket, I also use Emacs with RacketMode installed, and it _does_ provide a shortcut to send code to the REPL. I still can’t quite decide which environment I want to spend more time in…