2020-11-30 09:38:54

From what I can tell, Racket has no notion of a “private” module, that is, one which cannot be accessed except by certain internal modules?

2020-11-30 09:42:22

No. Often you’ll see a private subdirectory, which is merely a signal that anything in there shouldn’t be considered public interface.

2020-11-30 10:23:28

Apropos private - can anyone remember the year when the ICFP contest was run by Racket people? There were a #lang were the body of the module was encrypted. In this way it was possible send the participants a program to run, but they couldn’t tamper with the source.

2020-11-30 10:29:54

That’s a clever use of #lang.

2020-11-30 10:35:21

Wait, if everything runs locally, then you can just fork the reader to make it output an actual program, which you can then tamper with, no?

2020-11-30 10:37:45

Maybe. I can’t remember much about it. It was a Cops and Robbers game inspired by Chicago (I think).

2020-11-30 12:39:12

I want to be able to see if an identifier is bound to a macro. Is there a reliable way to do that?

2020-11-30 13:37:06

(It occurs to me that I should be using continuations both to thread state and to handle failure in a more graceful way.)

2020-11-30 13:50:49

Yes - exactly like this.

2020-11-30 14:10:53

Is it possible to introspect the body of a procedure in the REPL? Like in R where typing a function name returns the implementation.

2020-11-30 14:12:46

Not trivially

2020-11-30 14:25:57

2020-11-30 14:30:06

Though to be fair, DrRacket via syntax-check can bring you to the definition of the function if it’s a define , so it should be possible from the repl to do something similar.

2020-11-30 14:46:07

This isn’t sufficient to prevent tampering, right? It’s just base 64 encoding/decoding.

2020-11-30 14:48:28

More importantly you can easily copy/modify framework/private/decode to spit out the actual module

2020-11-30 14:48:50

(that is, even if it were encrypted)

2020-11-30 14:49:30

True. Maybe I am misremebering. Maybe only the zo-files were distributed?

2020-11-30 14:53:33

2020-11-30 14:54:11

A .plt file was provided, but once it’s installed, the source should be accessible. This is just a development kit, so probably looking at the source was not helpful.

2020-11-30 15:01:14

Are you trying to, for instance, provide a reference implementation for students that they can use to see its behaviour but not its code? You could compile using Chez. I have also used a submission server to provide this functionality.

2020-11-30 15:07:40

You found it! The trip down memory lane was just an association due to the “private module” question.

2020-11-30 15:21:43

It looks like the best I can get is to use syntax-local-value then check for a procedure with an arity of 1.

2020-11-30 15:41:55

when upgrading versions of racket, is it possible to keep all your old settings for drracket?

2020-11-30 15:44:12

That should be automatic

2020-11-30 15:44:25

doesn’t happen for you?

2020-11-30 15:44:34


2020-11-30 15:45:16

Try (find-system-path 'pref-file)

2020-11-30 15:45:26

This should give you the location of the file with all your settings

2020-11-30 15:45:40

./ This program will extract and install Racket v7.9. Note: the required diskspace for this installation is 531M. Do you want a Unix-style distribution? In this distribution mode files go into different directories according to Unix conventions. A "racket-uninstall" script will be generated to be used when you want to remove the installation. If you say 'no', the whole Racket directory is kept in a single installation directory (movable and erasable), possibly with external links into it -- this is often more convenient, especially if you want to install multiple versions or keep it in your home directory. Enter yes/no (default: no) > no Where do you want to install the "racket" directory tree? 1 - /usr/racket [default] 2 - /usr/local/racket 3 - ~/racket (/home/.../racket) 4 - ./racket (here) Or enter a different "racket" directory to install in. > ~/tools/racket Checking the integrity of the binary archive... ok. "/home/.../tools/racket" exists, delete? yes Deleting old "/home/.../tools/racket"... done. Unpacking into "/home/.../tools/racket" (Ctrl+C to abort)... Done. If you want to install new system links within the "bin", "man" and "share/applications" subdirectories of a common directory prefix (for example, "/usr/local") then enter the prefix of an existing directory that you want to use. This might overwrite existing symlinks, but not files. (default: skip links) > Installation complete.

2020-11-30 15:49:33

oh! I see what happened. My color theme and file-viewer are available through plugins which needed to be reinstalled. After installing them everything went back to normal

2020-11-30 15:49:55

You should just have to migrate them

2020-11-30 15:50:13

either use raco pkg migrate ..... which requires to know the version of racket you just uninstalled

2020-11-30 15:51:13

Or try running this script for ease of use: (and let me know whether it works)

2020-11-30 15:54:09

yup that works perfectly

2020-11-30 15:54:34

thank you, as always :heart:

2020-11-30 15:54:46

my pleasure!

2020-11-30 22:09:22

If I wanted to create a procedure that takes an arbitrary number of parameters (like + or and, etc.) what would the definition look like? What I’m thinking is (define (some-thing . ... xs) (cond [(empty? xs) 'default] [(some-test? (first xs)) (cons (some-thing-else (first xs)) (some-thing (rest xs)] [else (some-thing (rest xs))])) and calling it like (some-thing 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e) or (some-thing 'c 'f) or (apply some-thing '(a b c d e f)) as far as arguments. It seems I’m overlooking something obvious.

2020-11-30 22:10:14

(define (something . xs) (displayln xs)) (something 1 2 3) will print (1 2 3)

2020-11-30 22:18:21

I’m having trouble calling that recursively. Similar to my example, I’d like to call (some-thing (rest xs)) but that seems to cause an infinite loop. Is it not possible with a single procedure, i.e. maybe I need an inner-function to call only after the parameters are formed into a list?

2020-11-30 22:18:47

Use (apply something (rest xs)).

2020-11-30 22:23:23

Well when you say it like that it sounds so easy :face_palm: Thanks, extremely helpful!

2020-11-30 22:25:16

It’s a pattern. If f is a variadic functioned, then (apply f xs) is needed to call the function f with arguments xs.

2020-11-30 22:30:33

So (define (thing . xs) is called a “variadic function” because of the .? And calling it as (thing 1 2 3) packages the 1, 2, 3 into a list but calling it as (apply thing '(1 2 3)) first unpackages it and passes each member of the list as a parameter then the . xs packages it back up as a list?

2020-11-30 22:31:09

Perfect explanation.

2020-11-30 22:31:58

Thank you, thank you. That answered so many questions!

2020-11-30 22:35:06

Just to check that a new list is allocated, I made a quick test: > (define xs '(1 2 3)) > (define (f . ys) (eq? ys xs)) > (apply f xs) #f With immutable lists I guess it would be ok for xs and ys to be the same list. In Scheme, where lists are mutable, the spec says, that apply must allocate a new list (so the caller knows, the callee doesn’t mutate the list).

2020-11-30 22:42:18

That’s an insightful little test. I think my initial problem was that I tried to recurse with (thing (rest xs)) which basically wrapped xs in a list so that (empty? xs) was always false because the list looked like '((1 2 3)) or eventually '(()), causing an infinite loop.

2020-11-30 22:43:07

Thanks for all your help. I see your name everywhere so I can only imagine how busy you are. Thanks for giving back to your community

2020-11-30 22:43:18

Yep. Seeing an extra list often means that an apply was forgotten somewhere.

2020-11-30 22:50:27

@jburgess84 has joined the channel

2020-12-1 03:48:11

Is it possible to implement an apply that doesn’t allocate a new list, without going deep into Racket internals?