2020-12-8 10:32:46

Does Racket has anything like atom?

2020-12-8 10:32:58

In what sense?

2020-12-8 10:37:51

There’s no such definition built in Racket AFAIK.

2020-12-8 10:40:48

You could say that an atom is anything that is not a container (list, vector, struct, …) or value producer (expressions), … but everything is a struct in racket: > (struct->vector 'a) '#(struct:symbol ...) :slightly_smiling_face:

2020-12-8 10:41:19

(although (struct? 'a) is false of course)

2020-12-8 11:19:24

I agree.

Conceptually an atom is atomic - i.e. something that can’t be divided into smaller parts. In old Lisp texts this means that numbers and symbols are atoms and that lists are not. Some texts use a cheat definition: (define (atom? x) (not (pair? x))) . If the text only works with numbers, symbols and lists, this definition is fine. However it doesn’t take vectors and structs into account.

2020-12-8 15:36:22

I get the impression most traditional Lispy code that checks whether something is an “atom” does so simply to determine whether it’s safe to call car and cdr on it. If that’s the case, not pair? is about as good a definition as atom? could have.

2020-12-8 15:39:04

I’d call that not-pair? , not atom? :wink:

2020-12-8 17:27:42

yes, this is what I wanted!

2020-12-8 17:27:47

But I haven’t looked into macros yet

2020-12-8 17:28:13

Right now I am just using (define-values _ var-name (f)) LOL

2020-12-8 23:34:00

@me1890 has joined the channel

2020-12-8 23:41:06

Is there an easy way to make an alias for a macro? Like if i wanted to give for another name

2020-12-8 23:43:32

This is the easiest way I know: (require (rename-in racket/base [for my-for]))

2020-12-8 23:45:44

That works for me. Thank you!

2020-12-9 01:06:59

Is there any difference between pair? and cons? ?

2020-12-9 01:08:09

No, they are functionally the same

2020-12-9 01:48:04

Reminds me since I’ve been meaning to ask this one: Isn’t cons also just a list?

2020-12-9 01:48:38

When I first got taught Racket, they always emphasized that lists were just (cons 'foo (cons 'bar (cons null)) etc

2020-12-9 01:48:40

But like

2020-12-9 01:49:00

cons is slightly more permission: you can use it to construct improper lists

2020-12-9 01:49:13

(cons 1 2) is not the same as (list 1 2)

2020-12-9 01:49:16

Sometimes I get weird errors telling me for things like list? telling me it’s not a list but a pair (cons)

2020-12-9 01:49:29


2020-12-9 01:49:47

What is an “improper list”?

2020-12-9 01:50:49

(cons 1 2) != (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons null)) now that you mention it

2020-12-9 01:51:02

I guess technically cons is always used to create “pairs”

2020-12-9 01:51:18

(cons 1 2 3) would give error I think

2020-12-9 01:52:55

Lists are made up of nesting pairs (called “cons cells” for historical reasons). (list 1 2 3) in pairs would look like (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '())))

2020-12-9 01:55:37

Yeah. In my introductory CS course where we used Racket, they always emphasized the car and cdr of any cons pair (but we used the terms first and rest). I guess it sort of looks like linked lists, but someone told me not to call cons lists linked lists so I won’t lol

2020-12-9 01:55:40

An improper list is if it did something like this: (cons 1 (cons 2 3))

2020-12-9 01:56:02

(they are basicly linked lists)

2020-12-9 01:56:14

but not exactly

2020-12-9 01:56:34

Right, the garbage collector and actual representation in memory messes up the analogy somehow

2020-12-9 01:57:23

(cons 1 (cons 2 3)) is the improper version of (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '())) then? Are improper lists just lists that don’t end with (cons 'something '()) then?

2020-12-9 01:59:03

I don’t think there’s a precise definition for improper list. Two possibilities are:

  • Anything that is not a list is an improper list
  • Any pair that is not a list is an improper list

2020-12-9 02:02:35

Where “list” is defined like https://racket.slack.com/archives/C09L257PY/p1607478775193900 > Lists are made up of nesting pairs (called “cons cells” for historical reasons). > (list 1 2 3) in pairs would look like (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '()))) (edited) right?

2020-12-9 02:03:52

Yes. To be more precise:

A list is either: - '() (a.k.a. null, empty) - (cons x y) where x is anything and y is a list

2020-12-9 02:04:45

So - '() is a list. - (cons 1 '()) = (list 1) = '(1) is a list. - (cons 1 (cons 2 '())) = (list 1 2) = '(1 2) is a list.

2020-12-9 02:09:20

Nice! I think I get it now. cons is a function that can only be applied to two things as well apparently (somehow was not aware since I was like, cons is how you create lists right)

2020-12-9 02:09:37

Also, is the short form for cons, the “dot” explained somewhere?

2020-12-9 02:09:50

2020-12-9 02:09:56

But I could not

2020-12-9 02:13:03

Eg, this: (define a-hash #hash(("hero" . 0) ("phan" . 1)))

2020-12-9 02:13:15

I think the . here means cons

2020-12-9 02:13:48

But I could not find documentation anywhere on this. Is it part of the readline syntax? (also I don’t know what readline refers to here)

2020-12-9 02:14:11

I suppose that’s the notation the REPL uses?

2020-12-9 02:30:30

yes, . is part of the quoted syntax

2020-12-9 04:29:57

Just saw this definition. > [An atom is] a string of characters beginning with a letter, digit or special character other than a left “(” or right “)” parenthesis. https://www.cs.oberlin.edu/~rms/classes/cs275/labs/lab1/lab1df.html?lab14.html$rx@Little@Schemer?introref.html

2020-12-9 05:28:18

Hmm, that definition would treat vectors #(1 2 3) as atoms, and it would include 1 blah (3 since it begins with a digit. Perhaps they mean to make “whitespace-delimited” implicit when they say “string”? But then 1(2)3 probably shouldn’t count either. Token-delimited?

Supposing all these gaps are filled in in some reasonable enough way, the core idea there seems to be that atom-ness has something to do with the read/write representation of the value. (Perhaps atoms are s-expressions that don’t pose any risk of an indentation depth increase. Alternatively, perhaps they’re s-expressions that can’t be written with internal whitespace.) That suggests that the main time to use atom? would be in a part of the program that also uses read or write and wants to branch depending on how that representation would play out. For instance, it could be useful in something that pretty-prints or summarizes s-expressions.

But as far as I can see, The Little Schemer never talks about read or write, and it almost exclusively uses atom? for the sake of checking whether something is a list. (It seems it also uses atom? to tell whether something is a valid argument to eq?, which it only considers to be defined on non-numeric atoms.) So the idea of defining atoms based on how they look as strings seems to be the reverse of the point; I think the act of defining atoms in relation to strings there is serving the purpose of giving definition to the string representation.

2020-12-9 06:33:13

Does racket have something similar to c++’s string_view, rust’s slices, and c#’s span?

2020-12-9 06:40:23

no :( unfortunately

2020-12-9 06:40:44

a subsequence function added to racket/sequence would work for that though, if someone were to write one

2020-12-9 06:42:02

I’ve found in-vector to work pretty good for iterating over “slices” in for loops

2020-12-9 06:42:11

but, it’s not a universal solution like that would be