2020-12-25 08:32:54

When I reading <https://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/index.html|The Racket Guide> and <https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/index.html|The Racket Reference>, there is no mention of these things.

2020-12-25 10:00:03

@wanpeebaw expanding / rewriting the macrology content in the guide and reference to talk about syntax-parse would be an excellent project IMO

2020-12-25 21:20:40

It depends what you mean by “deprecate”. If you mean “delete and replace”, that won’t work since syntax-parse is implemented using syntax-case.

2020-12-25 21:21:34

If you mean “move to racket/base”, the goal is to keep racket/base minimal, for example to reduce startup time

2020-12-25 21:22:31

If you mean “add it to the reference and guide”, then that’s a good idea, but wasn’t done originally because those documents are older than syntax-parse

2020-12-26 01:31:37

Thanks for all of the suggestions. I’m currently going through the Guide, which introduces syntax-rules and syntax-case, but it sounds like I should also learn syntax-parse after understanding the macro section in the Guide!