2021-2-19 12:20:22

Thanks @greg for your comment. It’s getting better and better :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-2-19 15:14:24

@yvanromanof has joined the channel

2021-2-19 22:56:28

Hmm.. is it just me or is it really only possible to submit http://GitHub.com\|GitHub.com repos to the package server? The package server is always adding a “.git” to the Git URL which doesn’t work with every hosted git service.

2021-2-19 23:26:34

IIs it the interface at http://pkgs.racket-lang.org\|pkgs.racket-lang.org adding a “.git” to the end? It’s not generally added/required by the package tools.

But, also, including “.git” in the package reference doesn’t mean that “.git” will be used in the download protocol. It depends on the context, but most likely “.git” is just being used to say “this is intended to reference a Git repo”, and it gets stripped away as the reference is parsed.

2021-2-19 23:42:03

Well, I have this backwards. When using HTTPS, “.git” is effectively added if it’s not there.

I’d like to investigate more. Can you point me toward an example service that doesn’t support the “.git” suffix?

2021-2-20 02:17:15

@louis77 another thing that I haven’t seen mentioned: because contracts are checked at runtime, they can be more expressive than types which are checked at compile-time. For example, you can have a contract “is a Fibonacci number”. Most type systems would not be able to express anything like this (and if it does, it’s likely you will need to do a lot of manual work like writing proofs)