2021-3-9 12:24:35

Hi, I’m making a vector-heavy program and I’m wondering whether I should use the mutable or immutable flavour. Are there any general guidelines on that? I understand that mutability may afford space gains, but what about performance? Do the considerations described in <https://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/performance.html|Performance §19.6> apply to general computations on vectors as well? Thanks!

2021-3-9 12:27:36

That’s a variable mutation. It’s different from object mutation. So no, that section doesn’t really apply.

2021-3-9 12:30:07

For vectors you should probably use mutable vectors

2021-3-9 12:30:08

I think a good rule is, if you need to use vector-set!, you need mutable vector.

2021-3-9 12:30:26

But if you only vector-ref, immutable vector is enough

2021-3-9 12:33:08

2021-3-9 12:35:44

Do immutable vectors have any advantage in terms of fast traversal? Say I have a program where I create and iterate/fold over lots of vectors but keep vector modification once created at a minimum.

2021-3-9 12:37:28

Not really. It has an advantage in that people can reason with your program easier, because they don’t have to worry that the value will be mutated.

2021-3-9 12:43:01

I see. Thank you!

2021-3-9 19:51:01

If your use of the vector is such that first you do a bunch of writes, then you start reading from it and don’t do any more writes, then a good strategy is to start with a mutable vector and then copy it to an immutable one

2021-3-9 21:51:40

Standard mutable vectors ought to be fast.

I can see that, say, an immutable vector with all fixnums can be represented more efficiently than a standard vector, but to my knowledge the current compiler doesn’t exploit such cases.

Have anyone measured a case, where immutable vectors are faster than mutables ones?