2021-4-7 13:47:32

Although I get some answers in the past https://racket.slack.com/archives/C06V96CKX/p1609511771145800\|here I give it another try hoping someone met a more hands-on tutorial:

So after some block programming, I’d like to introduce my daughter (12) to real programming and looking for a hands-on tutorial with racket. Some logo or turtle would be fine but I’d prefer some ready-made tutorial. As neither I or my daughter are native English speakers, I would read and translate the tutorial, so translating and giving her new exercises would be a bit too difficult. I am a beginner at Racket (but not programming).


2021-4-7 14:56:15

2021-4-7 15:48:36

rocket in racket :slightly_smiling_face: