2021-8-27 14:46:53

the naive way of reporting a Racket bug is to open an issue — the way to get it done is to ask mflatt (/s)

2021-8-27 15:25:28

I see your "/s" and am 100% on board with your humor here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Just to clarify for other people, maybe newcomers: Matthew often does field GitHub issues; in fact I think just made a big effort to go through some backlog. As well as other Racket core devs, as well as volunteer contributors.

So, making a good bug report is definitely not a waste of time sending it into a black hole! But again, good humor. :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-8-27 15:27:18


2021-8-27 16:09:53

When logging don’t forget to check if it has been logged before, racket is big but it is worth checking related repos tickets. (e.g. gui issues sometimes get assigned to the DrRacket repo because it is a gui app)

2021-8-27 16:14:27

Also: don’t be afraid of having a go at fixing a bug yourself - if you found a bug you probably understand it better than anyone, racket code is very readable, and other racketeers are always willing to answer questions. You will learn a lot.