2021-10-19 07:07:02

@jcoo092 the readme even says it itself! > RacketScript currently supports only a subset of Racket. > :yum:

More seriously, this looks like a pretty mature project. It’s quite something already to be able to compile Racket to JS!

The choice to start from fully expanded programs is probably smart

2021-10-19 07:08:13

I was confused at the suggestion that JavaScript is a simplified version of Java :stuck_out_tongue: (apparently it has been confirmed that the name was entirely just an attempt to piggyback on the excitement around Java at the time)

2021-10-19 08:18:16

Oh, I thought @spdegabrielle had posted about this confusion recently on Slack, but it may have been on Discord instead. Makes the joke more difficult to get for sure :smile:

2021-10-19 08:20:04

Yes it is my fault. I asked if anyone ever actually confused java with javascript. I was educated.

2021-10-19 08:20:21

2021-10-19 08:21:15

@jcoo092 Do note the scare quotes in my first post, this means I’m not actually endorsing this sentence :wink:

2021-10-19 08:22:07

Oh, no, I didn’t think you were making that confusion. It was just a weird statement to me nevertheless.

But, yeah, looking at that job ad, there’s no way in heck I would consider applying - I can’t imagine that would be a good place to work at…

2021-10-19 08:28:56

Haha that’s for sure

2021-10-19 15:59:01

Is it possible to reflect lambda code + env from a procedure object in Racket?

2021-10-19 16:11:59

@chansey97 you can use Chez Scheme level inspection procedures to do some of that.

2021-10-19 16:47:37

Thanks. I will try it tomorrow.
2021-10-20 00:20:32 has joined the channel