2022-1-20 08:27:02

This may unfortunately prevent real beginners to ask for help

2022-1-20 08:55:57

Yes. Maybe a #help channel would help?

2022-1-20 10:02:52

@soegaard2 I think almost every thread-starting message in #general is asking for some kind of help, so #help probably wouldn’t help. :slightly_smiling_face:

2022-1-20 10:03:39

Good point.

2022-1-20 17:21:52

All good points, but I would like either a #help or #questions channel in Slack. It’s nice to have that category in Discourse.

2022-1-20 17:23:11

I suspect the reason many threads in #general are asking for help may be due to folks not considering themselves a “beginner”.

2022-1-20 20:51:03

@badkins I think the reason for the Q&A category in Discourse is that there are, compared to Slack, more discussions that don’t start with a questions. For me, as a rule of thumb, since there’s now the Discourse instance, I only use Slack for asking “small” questions for which a quick answer would be nice (usually because I ran into the problem while programming). Everything else I post in Discourse, including some questions which may be more complicated and/or worthwhile preserving for later searches..