2022-2-23 15:58:49

How do you obtain the cp0 code again? I can’t seem to remember (and it’s notraco decompile apparently)

2022-2-23 15:59:30

PLT_LINKLET_SHOW_CP0=1 racket <your-file.rkt>

2022-2-23 16:01:03

ah, there it is, thanks!

2022-2-24 02:12:04

@bsilverstrim has joined the channel

2022-2-24 03:18:19

Anyone have a blog post, pointer to articles, etc. that really helped with understanding “how to think in [Racket/Lisp/Scheme…]” when approaching a project, if like me your background is based on a language like Go?

2022-2-24 03:19:46

I’m used to thinking of things like writing a function to call, using a struct to store data and attach methods to, using goroutines to spin off parallel processes and communicating with channels…but trying to learn Racket seems a little daunting when the idiomatic way to lay out an application seems quite different.