2022-2-24 23:51:08

No ah-ha moment blog entries to comprehend it a bit more?

2022-2-25 00:36:26

Hi, I’ve been procrastinating many things today, including giving my $0.02 to your question.

I think of some of my Racket programs similar to what you describe. I generally start with some simple functions and structs to hold the data I’m working with. Sometimes if different parts fit consumer, producer, or consumer/producer, I use thread to run them and synchronous or asynchronous channels to connect them.

I’ve internalized a lot of Racket “style” over the years, so I might not fully understand where you are getting stuck.

2022-2-25 00:39:05

Thanks for the info. I think it’s mainly finding a way to structure the flow of information to get the result I’m looking for. Lisp grammar is a bit different from Go :slightly_smiling_face:

2022-2-25 00:39:35

I just got a copy of Racket Programming the Fun Way, so I’m hoping that will shed some light on things as I’m working through it.