2019-11-28 13:38:03

That’s not quite right. 3m can build 3m just fine. The issue is that 3m depends on running Racket to transform C code to cooperate with the precise collector

2019-11-28 13:41:24

Without cgc you’d need racket to build racket

2019-11-28 13:42:37

I do wonder if a no-gc version of Racket could run xform well enough to build 3m

2019-11-29 07:20:38

Thanks for clarifying that. I forgot to mention the xform issue.

2019-11-29 07:22:00

And the mentioned issue with bytecode might be bogus when I think about it, I might be confusing it with the ‘CS need recent racket problem’.

2019-11-29 07:23:48

So, going back to what @sorawee talked about, we can build racket 3m with system racket 3m but we need cgc to bootstrap because of the xform compiler being written in Racket.