2020-5-29 13:40:34

Phew - things are starting to stabilize on the CI side. Although there are many things I still want to do, we have reached a point where I am happy how things are.

2020-5-29 13:41:28

Next I will either tackle cross-platform testing, or refactoring the CI files using scribble/text or similar as suggested by @mflatt

2020-5-29 13:41:58

Or I will pause for a bit so I can devote some time to porting RacketCS to other archs.

2020-5-29 13:57:13

I think pausing is fine — you’ve done an enormous amount of work

2020-5-29 14:01:28

Thanks - I will get the i386 PR sorted still. However, I think getting RacketCS working on riscv and aarch64 will be more and more relevant. More riscv linux capable boards will be released this year and aarch64 will be more relevant due to Apple’s recent move and more available laptops, desktops and sbc’s that are aarch64. Not to mention this work would allow me to spend some time understanding Chez’s compiler. I will give myself a couple of months and get back to CI to finish off Vision 2020 in the second part of the year (https://github.com/racket/racket-ci/issues/4)

2020-5-30 02:26:50

@notjack I see that you’re already part of the racket docker hub org

2020-5-30 02:27:29

Probably the first thing is to just publish the images you already have to racket/racket

2020-5-30 02:28:52

I think I made it originally

2020-5-30 02:29:04

but I’m not sure

2020-5-30 02:29:57

Yes, I think so

2020-5-30 02:32:25

I’ll setup the github repo to push to both docker hub repos. Could you file an issue in https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-docker\|https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-docker so I remember?

2020-5-30 06:08:09

this is a good idea - thanks for getting this sorted.