2021-7-23 07:12:01

How are you getting CI noise? Cause I don’t get any… I have to check the CI page myself and I have lately been doing a poor job on that. :disappointed:

2021-7-23 07:12:07

I would wish to get an email for each failed workflow.

2021-7-23 07:12:11

And yes, there’s a lot of flakiness sometimes on github. Like a network failure or some job is just cancelled…

2021-7-23 07:12:15

Would need to thing about what’s going on and what can be done to solve it.

2021-7-23 07:12:23

Why would these tests take 6 hours? then of course, end up being cancelled.

2021-7-23 07:12:30

Then we have some flakiness on portlib: https://github.com/racket/racket/runs/3139182931#step:9:68

2021-7-23 07:12:34

Maybe github is throttling us and we need to simplify the amount of jobs we submit.

2021-7-23 07:12:38

For example, with CS being in production now for a while I am not sure it’s work testing so many combinations of BC.

2021-7-23 07:12:42

Maybe we should drop most of them and build 1 type of BC or something.

2021-7-23 07:17:04

I think pushers get notification, right?

But yeah, I totally agree that if we can’t deal with flakiness, we should not test as much. It does more harm (from the noise) than good.

2021-7-23 12:57:45

I get a notification for every failed CI run (which is a lot). I also get notifications from DrDr and snapshot builds and the Racket service monitor. Also: every time Apple notarizes a build — which is especially annoying and useless, but there’s apparently no way to turn that one off.

2021-7-23 12:58:11

Running a lot fewer BC builds seems like a good idea.

2021-7-23 12:58:48

I think you can turn off the CI failure emails. I’ve done that, I think

2021-7-23 13:21:45

Yeah, in https://github.com/settings/notifications there’s an “actions” section and you can turn off email notification

2021-7-23 15:22:22

Ok, I’m cutting down the number of different variants. A few questions (probably for @mflatt): 1. Is there a reason to build/test cify versions of cgc if we’re doing that for 3m as well? 2. Is there a reason to test cify at all on macos?

2021-7-23 15:23:08
  1. no
  2. no, one platform is enough

2021-7-23 15:25:04

For the cify try, does building 3m involve building CGC with cify first, anyway? Or does that use an earlier Racket build to xform for 3m?

2021-7-23 15:25:38

right now, the cify 3m build uses the cify cgc build

2021-7-23 15:26:24

i could keep that, or could change the cify 3m build to use the regular cgc build

2021-7-23 15:27:17

I guess there could be a bug that affects cify with CGC and not 3m. But probably that’s unlikely enough to ignore.

2021-7-23 15:27:50

I wonder whether the 3m build should use CS instead of CGC, though. Maybe it doesn’t matter.

2021-7-23 15:28:08

right now the cs build uses cgc instead

2021-7-23 15:28:32

probably we should change that so that cs builds the way make does since that’s more important

2021-7-23 15:28:41

but that’s a separate change

2021-7-23 15:32:31


2021-7-23 15:33:55

Also right now a few jobs run on pull requests that I think are not needed, like ARM32 and ubsan/asan

2021-7-23 19:08:41

For the asan build (most recent failure here: https://github.com/racket/racket/runs/3146398093?check_suite_focus=true) my guess is that asan is in fact killing the build because of a sanitizer error

2021-7-23 19:23:49

Well I just tried it locally and that isn’t what happened :disappointed: