2020-11-8 19:52:13

@samth, @mflatt, or any other core racket devs: what’s the versioning policy for the base package? when do I bump it and which part should I bump?

2020-11-8 19:52:18

@mflatt has joined the channel

2020-11-8 19:53:31

@notjack set the channel topic: This channel is for discussion about developing the Racket language and standard distribution. See also the racket-dev mailing list.

2020-11-8 19:53:42

@notjack set the channel topic: Discussion about developing the Racket language and standard distribution. See also the racket-dev mailing list.

2020-11-8 19:53:55

@notjack set the channel topic: Discussion about developing the Racket language and standard distribution.

2020-11-8 19:54:15

@notjack set the channel purpose: Discussion about developing the Racket language and standard distribution. See also the racket-dev mailing list.

2020-11-8 20:11:08

The base version needs to stay in sync with the Racket version. So, it mostly gets bumped when there’s a “.zo” compatibility issue, but it could also get bumped for significant new functionality in the core racket collection.

2020-11-8 20:14:00

So if I added a sequence->vector function to racket/vector, would that be significant enough to warrant bumping it at all?

2020-11-8 20:17:40

It would be fine to increase the version in that case. I wouldn’t bother myself, though, unless I needed to declare a dependency somewhere.