2021-8-17 18:37:28

I’m working on pkgs/racket-doc/scribblings/reference/filesystem.scrbl and would like to see my changes rendered. As far as I can tell, racket/doc/reference/Filesystem.html depends on the mentioned scrbl file, so I tried make racket/doc/reference/Filesystem.html in the working directory root. However, make tells me make: Nothing to be done for 'racket/doc/reference/Filesystem.html'.

Other things I tried: • Finding a doc or docs target in the root Makefile . Nothing here. • Running find . -name Makefile to find a Makefile that looks like being responsible for the documentation. I didn’t find anything. • Running make , hoping that it would rebuild the documentation as a side effect. I stopped the run after 10 minutes (even though as far as I remember, everything had been built before). This doesn’t seem practical. What’s the recommended way to build individual HTML files for the documentation, or at least a small-ish subset?

Given enough time, I can probably eventually figure out the scribble command line to render Filesystem.html, but I wonder if there’s a more straightforward way.

2021-8-17 18:39:36

While you could use scribble filesystem.scrbl, I normally just render the whole document with raco setup -l scribblings/reference.

2021-8-17 18:48:14

The raco setup invocation seems to work fine, thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-8-17 18:51:17

The scribble invocation kind of works, but generates an HTML file that uses a different (or no) CSS file and isn’t as easy to read.

2021-8-17 18:53:05

Meta question: Should I better ask earlier instead of trying so many thinks first (see also the raco cross tickets)? I don’t want to come across as lazy, but this yak shaving is kind of frustrating.

2021-8-17 19:00:58

@all: Please don’t take this personally. I’m not angry with anyone; it’s just a honest question.

2021-8-17 20:09:02

I’d say it’s fine to just ask.

There is certainly a sense in which every question points to a gap in documentation or tools, but improvement just takes time.

2021-8-17 20:10:55

Great, thanks!