2019-1-28 21:46:52

I like the idea of a portable racket, there used to be portable versions of Firefox for the same reason.

I’d be concerned that the infosec security policy that denies you the rights to run/install racket, probably also prohibits you from running executables from your flash drive- even if your it dept can’t currently stop you from running unauthorised executables on the flash drive, they may change the configuration at any time. It is also that when they catch you running racket you will be in trouble for breaking the security policy.

If you haven’t already I’d suggest requesting racket to be installed - it may be refused but it is worth a try.

As for the Jupyter notebook question - I believe someone is working on this! I’m sure they will announce on the Racket mailing list when ready.

PS Another option: https://www.rollapp.com/launch/drracket (free version does have restrictions but might be worth a look)

2019-1-28 21:53:09

I forgot to answer (1) - I think the language permanently set to English is a side effect of the security settings at your site.

2019-1-29 02:49:48

@matias has joined the channel

2019-1-29 02:59:32

I guess this is a drracket thing?

2019-1-29 03:00:16

What would it take for this to work?