2020-7-20 11:14:36

Hi, Can anyone give me a hand? I need a tester to check these instructions are clear; Please try out the following if you can and let me know if you have any trouble; —-

how to install entries so far

You can manually install a new scripts individually or run the entries installer to install the lot

  1. click the Scripts menu in DrRacket and click new script
  2. enter the name
  3. paste in the script or the entries installer into the new file and save
  4. click Compile Scripts and reload
  5. run the script from the Scripts menu

2020-7-20 11:44:56
  1. Click Scripts > Manage Scripts > New script...
  2. Enter “competition–2020” 3.
  3. Click Scripts > Manage Scripts > Compile Scripts and Reload But the same docs are already at the top of the script you point to :slightly_smiling_face:

2020-7-20 11:48:18


2020-7-20 13:21:51

A very interesting post about IDE architectures relating to macro expansion: https://rust-analyzer.github.io/blog/2020/07/20/three-architectures-for-responsive-ide.html