2021-5-26 13:22:58

@thaenalpha has joined the channel

2021-5-26 14:48:37

Just noting now I left it up running last night and now DrRacket is peaking at 2 GB memory before a GC drops it back down to 500 MB. Surely there’s some reasonable upper-limit the editor/IDE will cap out at unless a running program actually needs more, right? :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-5-26 14:52:10

That definitely isn’t normal behavior, but also there isn’t a cap for the IDE as a whole.

2021-5-26 18:02:03

Is there a way for me to tell if my program is running from within DrRacket/REPL or not? For example, I have some code like so: (module+ main (parse-cli)) And I’d very much it rather be something like: (module+ main (if running-from-repl/dr-racket (run-my-default-action) (parse-cli)))

2021-5-26 18:05:06

This doesn’t answer your question, but might solve a problem that you have.

You can add drracket as a submodule to be run by default in the DrRacket setting. Then, you can write

(module+ drracket ...) This submodule won’t be run when you invoke it via racket command line, but will be run in DrRacket

2021-5-26 18:08:04

I’ll give that a try and see if it magically works for me :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-5-26 18:10:39

Oh, and the said setting is in Language > Choose Language... > Show Details > Submodules to Run

2021-5-26 18:12:19


2021-5-26 21:27:59

Based on the way it’s currently implemented, could DrRacket’s LaTeX shorthand system handle a very large list of shorthands, on the order of a couple thousand entries?