2021-6-10 08:09:00

Check out Edit \| Preferences \| Colors \| Background \| Parenthesis color scheme in DrRacket

2021-6-10 08:10:38

Although the Shades of blue and Shades of grey (it’s buggy it seems) don’t give me shades, but the Seasons schemes do.

2021-6-10 09:31:27

Sometimes my google-fu gets tired and I need to give it a rest a day or two and then it works again :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-6-10 09:34:20

that’s for scribble html generated content though, not for DrRacket

2021-6-10 09:35:07

Aah. Hmm

2021-6-10 19:43:27

When making a tab-panel, what’s the standard way of creating the things the tabs reveal? That is, what is their parent? If you make the tab-panel the parent of the children, they all pile up in the same vertical pane. I grepped through the code of DrRacket to see what it does, and I see it “switching children” when different tabs are created. But when subpanels/areas/panes/whatevers are created, they have to have a parent, and I’m trying to figure out what that parent should be before I want it displayed/chosen.

2021-6-10 19:49:25