2017-2-1 10:09:40

In racket classes, there are really no private methods, right? It’s either a public method defined with define/public or in (public ...) or a normal function that can only be called from within the class. Use of send only works in public methods. Is my understanding correct?

2017-2-1 11:06:12

@florence https://plt.eecs.northwestern.edu/pkg-build/server/built/test-fail/cover.txt seems to be a regression from the current release

2017-2-1 13:41:47

@pocmatos you can define members whose names are protected by scoping that can be invoked with send by other code that has the names in scope: https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/createclass.html?q=class#%28part._extnames%29

2017-2-1 14:14:51

@samth thanks! I’ll look into it! (It would be nice if a new racket release could trigger a new travis build for cover, so I would get notified of these directly…)

2017-2-1 15:06:06

How to get sxml @ symbol within scribble file - I need to define something like this: @(define test '(div (@ (class "something"))))

2017-2-1 16:13:08

@lexi.lambda I can try to help reproduce the problem if you’re still having it, is it any package in particular?

2017-2-1 16:29:36

@githree use \@ or \|@\|

2017-2-1 16:34:51

@bmastenbrook great, both work perfectly fine, thank you

2017-2-1 16:57:59

@florence you should request Travis to enable “cron jobs”, so that you can set up weekly or nightly builds. https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/cron-jobs/

2017-2-1 17:30:25

@jerryj: Thanks, but I fixed that problem… it was an issue with my network, not Racket. Could I ask you to try something else, though? Does this program work for you? #lang racket (require net/url net/url-connect) (parameterize ([current-https-protocol 'secure]) (port-&gt;string (get-pure-port (string-&gt;url "<https://www.google.com/>"))))

2017-2-1 17:31:34

@lexi.lambda It works on my windows machine, I can try it on my mac in ~2 hrs

2017-2-1 17:33:34

Ok, cool. I’m specifically interested in Mac OS.

2017-2-1 17:37:01

k, i thought i brought my macbook with me to work but apparently I forgot it at home :angry:

2017-2-1 18:20:49

@georges-duperon oooh, thanks!

2017-2-1 18:24:32

@florence: Since you’re rather more familiar with errortrace than most, do you have any idea what the issue is with my mailing list post about --mode errortrace?

2017-2-1 18:29:31

@lexi.lambda I’ll look into it. (idk what code path —mode errortrace goes through…)

2017-2-1 18:30:07

Alright, no worries. I just figured I’d ask if it was something you’d seen before.

2017-2-1 18:35:09

@lexi.lambda If i run you example and then raco decompile main_rkt.zo, it looks like the call to foo was completely inlined

2017-2-1 18:35:28

hence the lack of a stacktrace

2017-2-1 18:35:33

@lexi.lambda: For what it’s worth, here’s the error I’m getting on macOS:

ssl-connect: connect failed (error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed)

2017-2-1 18:36:10

Of course, using the browser I can access Google, so the problem has to do with Racket.

2017-2-1 18:36:42

@florence: Aha, that might explain things! However, in the project I was trying that triggered the mailing list post, I had a much larger program, and I still wasn’t getting a stack trace, so I should try and come up with a larger example that doesn’t get inlined.

2017-2-1 18:37:13

@leafac: Yeah, I get the same thing. I seem to be able to access other sites just fine with HTTPS, but for some reason it doesn’t work with Google.

2017-2-1 18:38:18

Exactly. If I try other websites, it works.

2017-2-1 18:40:18

It might have to do with Google’s recent launch of its own root certificate authority.

2017-2-1 18:40:35

It might not have made into Racket’s trusted certificates.

2017-2-1 18:42:08

Yeah, though it seems like Racket just defers to the OS certificates, so I’m not sure what’s going on here.

2017-2-1 18:46:38

@lexi.lambda I tried to defeat the inliner, and I guess I kinda did…

Seg fault (internal error) at 0x70000bae3f80
zsh: bus error  raco setup --mode errortrace --pkgs test-pkg

2017-2-1 18:46:46


2017-2-1 18:55:05

The inliner is more aggressive than I anticipated. It does sort of seem like it shouldn’t run when --mode errortrace is specified, but I guess --mode doesn’t let you control something like that.

2017-2-1 18:56:34

@lexi.lambda I think im wrong, its not the inliner. If i decompile without —mode errortrace the output looks the same

2017-2-1 18:56:55

I’m just not seeing errortrace annotations

2017-2-1 18:57:46

Aha, so is --mode a no-op, then?

2017-2-1 19:01:24

The docs appear to claim that --mode should use errortrace/zo-compile and place the resulting .zo files in compiled/errortrace/, but as far as I can tell it definitely doesn’t do the latter.

2017-2-1 19:04:49

Interestingly, errortrace/zo-compile doesn’t use make-errortrace-compile-handler, but it calls errortrace-annotate directly. Still seems like it might not be called at all, though.

2017-2-1 19:38:24

It seems like maybe --mode doesn’t work with the parallel build. However, using -j 1 gives me an exciting error when I use --mode errortrace: /Users/alexis/gits/racket/racket/racket/share/pkgs/errortrace-lib/errortrace/errortrace-lib.rkt:98:20: module: cannot be cross-phase persistent due to required modules in: (#%plain-module-begin (#%require (for-meta 0 errortrace/errortrace-key)) (#%plain-app init-test-coverage (quote ())) (#%provide (protect alias-of) (protect kw-converted-arguments-variant-of)) (#%declare #:cross-phase-persistent) (define-values (kw-conve... compilation context...: /Users/alexis/gits/racket/racket/racket/collects/racket/private/kw-prop-key.rkt /Users/alexis/gits/racket/racket/racket/collects/syntax/module-reader.rkt /private/tmp/test-pkg/main.rkt

2017-2-1 21:41:22

@lexi.lambda It

2017-2-1 21:41:38

‘s weird that errortrace tried to recompile racket…

2017-2-1 22:11:46

@florence: Is that errortrace’s fault? Or raco setup’s?

2017-2-1 22:18:00

@lexi.lambda I’m not sure. I know DrRacket does some tricks to stop errortrace from annotating everything in the core, so maybe setup should implement those? (Its a relatively small change to have errortrace just skip cross phase persistent modules tho).

2017-2-1 22:19:28

Well, errortrace probably can’t annotate core things at all, since that would create module cycles.

2017-2-1 22:21:09

But I think I misunderstand a little bit how --mode is supposed to work. Is --mode foo supposed to completely ignored compiled/ recompile everything, including dependencies, into compiled/foo/? Or is it supposed to re-use compiled/ for things that aren’t already compiled?

2017-2-1 22:21:37

Who would even know the answer to that question? @mflatt?

2017-2-1 22:22:30

If it’s the former, then it sounds like the issue is in errortrace. It would need to ignore cross-phase persistent modules and all modules that errortrace itself depends on.

2017-2-1 22:22:48

If it’s the latter, then the issue would seem to be in raco setup.

2017-2-1 23:08:28

@lexi.lambda errortrace needs to ignore cross-phase persistent modules, and that’s probably the main problem

2017-2-1 23:08:49

errortrace has a special case to not instrument the errortrace-key module to refer to itself, so I don’t think it would create cycles, but I’m not certain

2017-2-1 23:10:30

@mflatt: When I was fiddling with things, it seemed to try to instrument syntax/module-reader, which produced a cycle in the reader, but I was also in a potentially mucked up state with my .zos.

2017-2-1 23:11:28

That sounds like a likely extra problem

2017-2-1 23:13:14

Alright, well, I’ll open an issue on the errortrace repo about the cross-phase persistent issue first.

2017-2-2 03:28:21

Dumb question, but I can’t seem to find documentation on how to give struct members default values. Is there an easy way of doing this?

2017-2-2 04:12:34

@recon419 I think they are called “auto fields”. Unfortunately, IIRC, you cannot choose the value dynamically at run-time, the value for (all?) auto fields is fixed when the struct type is created.

2017-2-2 04:15:08

I think the best way to do it is really just to create a wrapper procedure that defers to the underlying constructor and supplies the appropriate default values.