2017-2-5 16:53:20

hello racketeers, I have a question for those who are knowledgeable about history behind Racket’s process and subprocess procedures.

2017-2-5 16:56:02

I was playing around with subprocess and its close cousin process. One thing that puzzled me was how subprocess returns its output as values, requiring define-values to bind to them, however process and its variants return a list so I’m using car/cdr to get at the values instead of define-values. I was wondering why such different output interfaces were designed for subprocess and process?

2017-2-5 16:58:14

It seems more consistent to have the same output for both considering they are used for very similar purposes.

2017-2-5 19:44:01

@abmclin I don’t know for this specific case, but I think in general this kind of discrepancy isn’t intentional, and is there for “historical” reasons.

2017-2-5 19:45:56

@abmclin there regularly are some thoughts about dropping values altogether in “Racket 2” / remix / whatever it will be called, and instead adding pattern-matching in many binding places, so hopefully this kind of thing would disappear at some point in the future.

2017-2-5 21:50:43

Oh interesting! That’s nice to know. I figured the discrepancy likely was historical, was curious to see if there was any deeper reason.

2017-2-6 06:51:36

@abhi18av has joined the channel