2017-2-27 11:46:46

Hello, quick question: can Racket’s Foreign Function Interface also be used with C++ library? (I’m not familiar with the thing, but looking at the docs [http://docs.racket-lang.org/foreign/] I see it mentions only C and not C++). Thanks.

2017-2-27 13:57:40

@dnf85 You would need to know the C-level name of the function (via name mangling)

2017-2-27 14:06:03

2017-2-27 20:44:08

Sounds like what Apple already did with “Gatekeeper” in macOS? https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202491

2017-2-28 00:10:10

Speaking of macOS, I have a branch where I’m trying to improve help for racket-mode on macOS. Would welcome more eyeballs on this. For example I’m not confident this is a good way to determine the default browser on macOS. https://github.com/greghendershott/racket-mode/blob/4b3505fb6649b7376d1ece64437288df62d7c00d/help.rkt