2017-2-28 19:23:38

btw, anyone who gets DrDr email: it will look bad very soon, because of the S3 outage

2017-2-28 19:29:30

Can you turn off emails temporarily?

2017-2-28 19:31:31

no, not easily

2017-2-28 19:31:43

it’s not any worse than when someone breaks the build

2017-3-1 01:19:09

Hi Racketeers, hope it’s ok to ask a question here. Has anyone used the Racket Redis client?( I am able to use it’s fns that map directly to a Redis fn (using the default host and port) but the author, Stephen Chang, recommends using a connection-pool and leasing a connection from it. Creating the connection pool seems to work w/o issue #lang racket (require redis) (define redis-pool (make-connection-pool #:host "" #:port 6379))

> redis-pool #<redis-connection-pool>

But when I try to “lease” a connection I get the following error

(define conn (connection-pool-lease redis-pool)) connection-pool-lease: unbound identifier in module in: connection-pool-lease

Is this telling me that the connection-pool-lease function isn’t available? Do I have to do additional requires in order to import that function into my namespace? In a similar vein, when I run redis-connection-pool? I get the following error:

redis-connection-pool?: undefined; cannot reference an identifier before its definition

Thanks to anyone who looked

2017-3-1 03:39:55

@mwb That’s odd. The doc you linked to doesn’t seem to be created from the source for the GitHub repo that the Racket package manager uses for the redis package. Nor do I see any connection-pool-lease defined in that source. Maybe when @stchang is back online here he shed some light. Or I guess you could open an issue on GitHub?

2017-3-1 03:46:15

Digging more. I was looking at the master branch on GitHub, which is what[redis] pulls from. However, when I look at the gh-pages branch, which is what makes that doc page you were looking it, its redis.rkt does define the pool/lease stuff you want.

2017-3-1 03:48:38

It looks like the master branch needs to be updated. (Or, I suppose the package catalog could be changed to point to the gh-pages branch … but I think that would be an unusual way to resolve it.)

2017-3-1 06:54:42

@greg thanks so much for looking into. If this is helpful, I am using MacOS and installed the redis package via raco. I looked at the source in /Users/mine/Library/Racket/6.8/pkgs/redis/redis.rkt and it does include a definition for connection-pool-lease on line 134 but does not list it in the provide definition. Is there a way to access the function if it is not listed in the provide? Based on your research I uninstalled the “default” raco package based on masterand re-installed from the gh-pages branch and the connection-pool-lease function is now working.