2017-3-29 17:08:47

2017-3-29 17:48:29

@samth I skimmed over the changes again, my guess would be perhaps now that Reps with custom constructors check their argument’s contracts twice (the custom constructor checks things, then the real constructor checks things) that may have added a lot if those are already causing a lot of our debug contract overhead

2017-3-29 17:49:31

the other thing I noticed (but seems less likely) is that subtyping now has an optional KW argument, and subtyping is called a lot

2017-3-29 17:50:01

But I don’t actually have any idea if optional kw args are really a source of additional noticeable overhead in general

2017-3-29 18:09:46

Ah - and the contract is local (i.e. define/contract) instead of module level (i.e. provide/contract)

2017-3-29 18:10:50

that could be it

2017-3-29 18:11:03

i worry that running a 50+-minute test is unreasonable