2017-5-2 15:46:39

@jeapostrophe seems to be down again?

2017-5-2 16:07:41

thanks, i just kicked it

2017-5-2 16:10:30

Hi All, I’d like to base a new scheme impl documentation on the R6RS report as allowed in the summary , but i’m not sure of the etiquette involved. It says it can be used in whole or in part, but I don’t know how to credit the authors and editors of the original report properly. I also don’t know how to distinguish between the work they did vs the work I’ve added/modified. Should I have the authors and editors review the doc before it goes public? any advice is much appreciated.

2017-5-2 16:11:17

no, you can do whatever you want and there’s no need to ask anyone

2017-5-2 16:13:18

Should I remove the author/editors names? I don’t want to misrepresent anyone. I feel like if i left their names on there it would be tantamount to saying they approved of my work, or that they did the work. I’m not worried about crediting myself, its more that I wouldn’t want them to look bad if I make some blunder in my edits. On the other hand, it seems wrong not to give credit where it is due… :confused:

2017-5-2 16:14:19

.. maybe a pointer back to the original is the correct way to proceed?

2017-5-2 16:15:17

thanks @samth !

2017-5-2 17:33:55

I think a pointer back is the right thing

2017-5-2 20:18:46

@samth I’m trying to fix this issue with typed units ( and I’m running into a problem where the typechecker is not ignoring things I’ve marked as ignored. The thing I’d really like to have happen would be to have the typechecking rule for let ignore binding pairs when there is an ignore property on the binding pair. The expansion of define-values/invoke-unit inside of definition contexts is expanded to things like this, that I haven’t figured out an easy way to deal with

2017-5-2 21:24:02

@dan what should it do with references to the binding?

2017-5-2 21:26:20

In the case of define-values/invoke-unit they should be registered with types through a different mechanism, they typed version of define-values/invoke-unit leaves behind an internal form for that purpose

2017-5-2 22:02:05

I’m seeing (find-relative-path) return a string (i.e. (path? …) is false). According to the docs (path-for-some-system? ) should never be a string. Am I misunderstanding something here?

2017-5-2 22:03:59

(find-relative-path "C:\\perforce\\main\\" "c:\\perforce\\main\\t2\\src\\game\\scriptx\\repl.dcx") > "c:\\perforce\\main\\t2\\src\\game\\scriptx\\repl.dcx"

2017-5-2 22:27:20

Also I think this is cropping up because it’s not normalizing case by default on windows.

2017-5-2 22:33:05

Looks like we are on the wrong version of 6.8 :disappointed: