2017-5-17 13:38:26

i do agree with robby that shorter is preferable, but support in any form is better than nothing

2017-5-17 13:38:54

in the ruby rspec case, you just have rspec <file>:<line-number>

2017-5-17 13:39:40

also, now that I think about it, it would be nice if DrRacket could get in on the fun too, so having the raco test command-line be a thin wrapper over a prgorammable interface would be nice

2017-5-17 13:39:43


2017-5-17 13:40:02

@jamesswaine the major issue is that the current way rackunit works/is used is to just run the code, and testing is a side effect

2017-5-17 13:40:14


2017-5-17 13:40:22

whereas rspec/pytest/etc collect tests and then run them

2017-5-17 13:45:04

would it be better to roll something totally different as opposed to bolting it onto raco test?

2017-5-17 13:45:07

or worse?

2017-5-17 19:57:08

robby: In that scenario, I could imagine giving that one test a name, then? (Maybe the name even includes the bug number; maybe handy to commit that edit for posterity, idk.)

That seems plausible, to me, because often I’d be mucking in the test file or submodule, anyway. Say to write a comment with the bug number, and/or add more, regression test(s).

TL;DR: Maybe tests could be lazily named — if/as/ever needed. And that would fit with a run-tests-named-x feature.

2017-5-17 19:58:19

@georges-duperon hyper-literate seems pretty interesting

2017-5-17 20:09:32

good point!

2017-5-17 20:16:03

@andreiformiga Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: For now it’s mostly a collection of wishes for the future, though. The features which are actualy implemented and useful are * Choice of the language for @chunks * Choice of the at-exp @ character, e.g. change it to or , like with the _-exp package * Ability to save chunks and show them multiple times (including display (but not definition (yet)) inside list items, whereas with scribble/lp2 you cannot put a chunk in a list item at all) * And very recently, highlighting parts of the code. So there’s not much yet, but given infinite time and resources, I would like to add the missing features: * It’s not drawing DrRacket-like arrows in the HTML, * It’s not showing the contract/type on hover * It’s not hyperlinking identifiers to their definition site * It lacks an interactive REPL embedded in the HTML (we’ll need a full-blown whalesong for that :smile: or a running server) * It lacks a step-by-step debugger embedded in the HTML (but well, that would be very interesting for stepping through macro code running at compile-time, and we still don’t have that in DrRacket yet!) * It certainly lacks user-driven code navigation in the spirit of Code Bubbles (although that might not be as hard as it seems to actually implement, most of the information is there, and it needs a bit of glue and some HTML+JS UI) * It definitely lacks multi-module capabilities (the HTML page should not be limited to describing a single .rkt file) * It certainly lacks the possibility to write the literate program as an interactive story. Ideally, the reader would start with a nearly empty file, and choose an action (define foo, define bar, read the overview, …) and gradually build the program that way, with the possibility from the writer’s point of view to switch between a couple of more or less in-depth explanations depending on whether an identifier was already defined or not). But that’s me daydreaming :slightly_smiling_face:

The exciting part is that we can in principle get 90% of the way thanks to the awesomeness of Racket’s macros and Scribble, without having to change language’s core.

2017-5-17 20:49:42

any good tutorials on using slideshow?

2017-5-17 20:50:09

the documentation is pretty good, but i’m looking for quick helpers to make doing things like background images and font changes quick and easy

2017-5-17 20:52:02

(i assume tutorials would have helpers or something that make that easy…)

2017-5-17 22:16:13

@apg I vaguely remember some of last year’s racketcon presentations were made with #lang slideshow, but the website only hosts the PDFs. And a quick search for #lang slideshow on github did not return any code results. Maybe try to ask on the mailing list? I’m sure some people have some code lying around.

2017-5-17 22:33:28

Here’s the code for a talk I gave last year, it’s not a good example of well written racket code, but it demonstrates some of the things you can do in slideshow https://github.com/dfeltey/lwc2016/blob/master/talk/slides.rkt

2017-5-18 00:29:39

@georges-duperon ok. thanks!