2017-8-26 14:51:27

If I have a null terminated char * in C, is there any good way to hand it to Racket?

2017-8-26 14:52:01

(Like, give ownership of it to Racket, so that it doesn’t need to get freed on the C side)

2017-8-26 14:52:55

Right now all I’ve got is using _bytes. But once I try to convert those bytes to a string, I get segfaults. But if I keep it as bytes I’m not seeing segfaults.

2017-8-26 17:51:30

I feel like I’m dancing on the edge of what I actually understand, and into “it works (?)” territory. Would welcome any feedback. https://github.com/greghendershott/racket-mode/blob/e87400982ba34dae5eaa619d3b63a535a080da08/namespace.rkt

2017-8-27 02:52:11

@mflatt Do asynch-channels not play well with the apply-async parameter in the FFI?