2017-10-26 17:36:39

I’ve been fiddling with my corporate issued laptop this morning trying to find a free SVG editor to PNGize them after changing some colors, because PowerPoint (in 2016) doesn’t support SVG. BUT THEN, I realized: “rsvg exists, why the hell am I not just using that?”

2017-10-26 17:37:30

I’d love to hear them!

2017-10-26 17:39:36

main first issue is that URIs have a generic syntax and DNS addresses are not part of that syntax

2017-10-26 17:39:52

specific schemes refine the syntax

2017-10-26 17:40:02

so a generic reader wouldn’t be able to tell you as much as you’d assume

2017-10-26 17:43:10

you might not be able to completely validate at read time, sure.

2017-10-26 17:43:33

but a url has parts: scheme host path query, etc.

2017-10-26 17:43:53

that are generally standardized, yes?

2017-10-26 17:48:43

hmmm. though, i can’t seem to use pict to colorize the result.

2017-10-26 18:10:09

Maybe turn it to a bitmap and then colorize?

2017-10-26 18:13:14

@samth yeah, that’s likely my strategy, and what @asumu said on irc. likely easier to just add the color to the document though. :slightly_smiling_face:

2017-10-26 18:13:26

(and scale and render to png with racket)

2017-10-26 18:17:24

they are and a reader syntax would be nice

2017-10-26 18:17:40

but it would be less nice than having a proper definition of uris and related types in the first place

2017-10-26 18:18:17

(which I’m working on right now btw! contributions welcome)

2017-10-26 18:18:58

where is the work being done?

2017-10-26 18:20:02

github repo that’s temporarily private due to google IP assignment bureaucracy

2017-10-26 18:20:33

ah ha!

2017-10-26 18:20:45

I can send you an invite (which I have to a few others who like backend web dev stuff)

2017-10-26 18:21:48

I’m at work conference in NYC all week though so I’m shorter on time than usual

2017-10-26 18:24:39

please do send an invite. would be interesting to see if i could help in some way.

2017-10-26 18:44:37

will do, also the #web channel is a channel I made and invited everyone else I sent invites to

2017-10-26 18:48:21


2017-10-26 19:29:37

I spend a lot of my time with Haskellers—no doubt they’re very smart people! But I’m truly trying to learn programming the proper way. Seems like I’m always brought back to Racket.

Had a chance to listen to this podcast which was totally enlightening and mostly unbiased. Very good points made:


2017-10-27 00:10:46

If you didn’t get to listen, here [partly cut and paraphrased] is one key point I received from the podcast:

> Question: Are there certain things you wished you had across all the languages? For instance, some people fall in love with macros or types. What are some of the things you’ve found from all these different languages, that, if you had to pick—maybe wave a magic wand … what true language if you could get some of these features out in addition to the immutability and, at least, thinking in types?

> Answer: Well, it’s definitely not static types. But macros or syntactic abstraction is something that I think makes sense across the entire spectrum of functional languages. Few people understand it. A lot of the pioneering work in syntactic abstraction has been done in the context of the Scheme and Racket language. They introduce things like: you could write macros [originating in Lisp] in the language you’re also writing your programs in. The Scheme language has the idea of hygiene, and then there’s a couple of things Racket refines. Macros are great for teaching and for doing things systematically. The mechanisms to make that happen are very poorly understood outside of the Scheme and Racket community. For example, the Haskell people have a bunch of hacks to solve the same kind of problems that Racket and Scheme solve with a very small number of very powerful mechanisms. —_Functional Geekery Episode 112 – Micheal Sperber_

2017-10-27 00:17:31

Scribble-y question… any way to put something after @subsection to make the content go into the subsection’s parent?

2017-10-27 00:38:47

I’ve learned that indentation matters in Haskell. Is that the case with Racket, too?

2017-10-27 00:41:34

@dustin the short answer is no; the longer answer is: it depends on the reader

2017-10-27 01:23:03

HtDP2e keeps saying in DrRacket to hit Enter but I’m almost certain (at least on a Mac) that doesn’t work. You have to hit CMD + R.

2017-10-27 01:39:58

I believe it only says to hit enter when you’re in the interactions window. It sounds like you’re typing into the definitions window.

2017-10-27 02:21:16

You’re totally right! Thanks.

2017-10-27 02:22:10

Suppose I didn’t realize that was a working REPL. For some reason, I assumed it was only generating the output.

2017-10-27 02:24:09

DrRacket sure takes up a decent amount of RAM though…