2017-12-17 18:52:01

What kind of keys can be used on the procedure returned by read-language if the language is #lang racket or #lang racket/base? I tried 'color-lexer (the key used in the docs as an example), but it returns the default instead of an info procedure. The docs say to see the Dr. Racket documentation for more keys, but the link is broken?

When I run:

(define in (open-input-string "#lang racket/base\n(+ 2 3)\n"))
(define lang-info (read-language in))
(lang-info 'color-lexer #f)

I just get #f, when I was expecting a procedure.

2017-12-17 18:53:58

When I say “the docs”, I’m referring to: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Racket/doc/reference/Reading.html?q=read-language#%28def.%28%28quote.~23~25kernel%29._read-language%29%29

2017-12-17 18:54:43

It says: >The first argument to the function serves as a key on such information; acceptable keys and the interpretation of results is up to external tools, such as DrRacket (see the DrRacket documentation). But the link it provides is broken

2017-12-17 20:29:00

@cfinegan link breaks for me, too, with some weird message about search results.

2017-12-17 20:34:01

I reported that as racket/racket#1914