2018-2-6 09:30:12

@aidewoode has joined the channel

2018-2-6 13:50:33

Is there any way to perform structural matching for elements in a sequence. For example, for an assoc list: for ([(k . v) alist]) ...

2018-2-6 13:50:35


2018-2-6 14:06:56

@pocmatos if you’re not really concerned about performance, in-dict might meet your needs

2018-2-6 14:07:37

if you’re looking at something that doesn’t have all the associated overhead that comes with the generic dict operations, I’ve thrown together an in-assoc that seems to work well for us in TR:

2018-2-6 14:09:48

I think I assumed you were specifically talking about association lists for some reason… I’m not aware of a “generic” way to match on the lhs of a for-loop iteration clause

2018-2-6 14:10:28

You may find in-value in a for* variant a useful way to bind things before entering the body of the loop

2018-2-6 14:10:54

@pnwamk I will take a look at in-dict. that would be fine since these is unit test code. but yes, I am interested in this specific case in alists.

2018-2-6 14:11:07

Why is in-assoc not available in normal racket?

2018-2-6 14:11:15

no one has added it?

2018-2-6 14:11:19

I don’t know

2018-2-6 14:13:17

perhaps it has been intentionally not added because of the existence of primitive hash tables and the available (and efficient) in-hash functions? (I’m totally speculating! It could just be as simple as no one has bothered to ask/submit a PR)

2018-2-6 15:11:58

@pnwamk ok, thanks

2018-2-6 15:17:29

I want to call an executable in a synchronous subprocess and control its standard ports (stdio, stdout and stderr). Here’s what I got:

(define in (open-input-string "<my-input>"))
(define out (open-output-string))
(parameterize ([current-input-port in]
               [current-output-port out]
               [current-error-port out])
  (system* "<command>" "<arguments>" "..."))
  (get-output-string out)
  (close-input-port in)
  (close-output-port out))

Is there a form that encapsulates this pattern? I searched among the with-* forms from racket/port to no success. Thanks in advance.

2018-2-6 15:22:39


2018-2-6 15:23:29

Or some other form in the racket/system section perhaps?

2018-2-6 15:24:23

(unless you’re talking about that very specific pattern, and I’m just pointing you to the functions you’re already aware of — if so sorry! =)

2018-2-6 15:30:53

Thanks for the answer, but those aren’t what I’m looking for. I want something that allows me to treat an executable more or less like a string → string function.

2018-2-6 15:45:26

I built my abstraction for what I want:

(define ((system*→λ command . arg) input/string)
  (define in (open-input-string input/string))
  (define out (open-output-string))
  (parameterize ([current-input-port in]
                 [current-output-port out]
                 [current-error-port out])
    (apply system* command arg))
    (get-output-string out)
    (close-input-port in)
    (close-output-port out)))

> ((system*→λ "/bin/cat") "abc")

Please let me know if there’s a better way to achieve this or if there are reasons why I shouldn’t be doing it at all :stuck_out_tongue:

2018-2-6 16:37:37

@leafac I like that abstraction! Though often its easier to work with system*’s boolean result which tells you if the command exited successfully or not instead of trying to analyze what was emitted to output. In that case it could be string -> boolean string if you want multiple values or could be string -> Listof boolean string

2018-2-6 16:39:02

Another thing, there’s always the possibility that the command won’t complete so system*->λ won’t return. Not sure if you’re thinking of using it with another mechanism like sync/timeout or will you be handling that within system*->λ itself?

2018-2-6 16:39:41

by won’t complete, I meant the command doesn’t exit at all, instead it diverges

2018-2-6 16:41:31

My purpose is to use the result of system*->λ in the REPL, so I don’t have to worry about divergence :slightly_smiling_face:

2018-2-6 16:42:29

indeed, in that case, no need to worry about that

2018-2-6 16:44:24

Thank you for bringing up these issues, though.

2018-2-6 16:46:04

no problem, I often use system and its cousins in my scripts for automating building artifacts so I might borrow your new abstraction, it’s easier to reason about

2018-2-6 16:52:42

@richardbensley has joined the channel

2018-2-6 16:54:22

I’m glad it might help you.

2018-2-6 17:56:25

@jcmdln425 has joined the channel

2018-2-6 18:43:33

@mflatt question about define-runtime-path — my understanding was that it should prevent absolute paths from occurring in zo files, but there are some where it does, such as scriblib/book-index.rkt

2018-2-6 18:47:40

the issue seems to be this call: (path->collects-relative "/home/samth/sw/plt/racket/share/pkgs/scribble-lib/scriblib/unknown")

2018-2-6 18:48:00

which just produces that path again

2018-2-6 18:49:01

That does seem wrong. Possibly, the path should be preserved as a path (insteda of a byte string) so that it gets made relative in the usual way for paths in bytecode.

2018-2-6 18:50:02

I don’t actually understand why we’re in that case, though, since it should only happen if (syntax-source stx) doesn’t give us a path, which shouldn’t happen there

2018-2-6 18:58:53

I’m not sure how you arrived at that conclusion, but from a quick look, it seems like line 44 of “collects/racket/private/this-expresson-source-directory.rkt” may be the place to change. (I didn’t try it.)

2018-2-6 19:02:51

@samth just peeking out of curiosity… on line 187 of runtime-path.rkt, it appears to copy lexical context but not source location information.

2018-2-6 19:03:14

@lexi.lambda aha, that would explain it

2018-2-6 19:04:56

that fixes that problem