2018-3-31 13:07:41

Fellow Scribble/Redex-ers! When discussing the redex-models in your paper, are you using render-term liberally throughout your prose? Or do you define TeX macros which generate identical (or close enough) renderings?

2018-3-31 13:08:31

I started using render-term everywhere (consistency!) but I’m quickly getting a huge number of PDF images generated to be included, and when I want to add a little math/annotation that’s not explicitly in the redex model during a discussion it’s a little awkward

2018-3-31 15:46:53

Well, I’m not sure what others do, but it’s just too darn convenient to be able to use latex to write arbitrary in-line math in the body of a paper and include things I’m modeling with redex, so I’m having redex use fonts and symbols that I can easily uniformly match with LaTeX macros. If someone has made a different choice that works well I’d love to hear!

2018-3-31 20:54:26

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