2018-4-27 08:01:38

@kcf.jackson has joined the channel

2018-4-27 08:18:54

There are a number of podcasts that do conference announcements - is it worth sending details of the racket-con/summer-school to ‘cognicast’, ‘functional geekery’ and any others? https://con.racket-lang.org https://summer-school.racket-lang.org/2018/

As I can’t justify the con/school (my day job is cache/MUMPS) so I rely on podcasts and the YouTube videos from racketcon, I’d be interested to know if racketeers would recommend any other podcasts (or YouTube channels) for aspiring Racketeers?

Kind Regards,


2018-4-27 13:52:10

I didn’t look at Hackett’s implementation, but I think I understand the problem, now. So far, the most consistent and workable idea I have is to add a notion of “interned” scope, so that different unmarshalings arrive at the same scope. To do that, we’d add make-interned-syntax-introducer, which takes a symbol and returns an introducer for the same scope whenever the given symbol is the same. Then, your example could be made to work by using (make-interned-syntax-introducer 'hackett-type #t)) in “ns.rkt”. I have also been tempted to think of the problem in terms of phases and to add a way to bind at, say, symbol-keyed phases. I’m not sure that’s a good direction, though, and it involves a lot more pieces.

2018-4-27 14:08:13

I think what you say makes sense, and it does seem like the most direct path to making what I want to work actually work. For what it’s worth, I’ve spent a lot of time comparing namespaces to phases, and the similarities are extremely tempting, but I think I’ve come down firmly on the conclusion that namespaces are not phases, and there are things about them that do not map directly. That doesn’t mean making a notion of namespaces baked in would necessarily be a bad or unhelpful idea, since it would eliminate the need for my complicated dancing wrt require and provide, but I don’t think that alone makes a very compelling argument for doing that amount of work and complicating the expander even more when a userspace implementation will do.

2018-4-27 14:11:16

Is this something you think I could reasonably implement on my own? I am willing to take on the effort if you think it’s something you think is a reasonable idea and something I can feasibly do, since I’d rather not burden you with any more than I have to. You’ve given me enough of your time over the past few weeks already. :)

2018-4-27 14:18:49

Yes. You’ll probably have to work a little to figure out serialization, and adding a new expander export may not be completely obvious (hint: a provide from the expander’s “main.rkt” isn’t useful) but the change looks otherwise straightforward. Just in case, keep in mind that that the expander must act as if it’s lock-free (in case a thread is killed while it is expanding) – which matters for a scope-intern table, but a symbol-keyed eq?-based weak hash table should just work.

2018-4-27 14:19:53

Okay, great. I’ll look into it today, and I’ll send questions your way if I have them.

2018-4-27 14:21:02

(Correction: … an eq?-based hash table with values wrapped in emphemerons.)

2018-4-27 14:22:47

@mflatt I am looking into what we discussed a couple days ago: determining if a compiled module was compiled with errortrace support. I get the code with (define code (get-module-code "/home/pmatos/Projects/.../main.rkt")) and then (module-compiled-imports code) but this only seems to return the direct imports of the module independently of how it was compiled or if it was compiled at all. Where was errortrace/errortrace-key supposed to show up?

2018-4-27 14:25:33

It would be in the direct imports. But maybe a better approach: A ".zo" isn’t going to have code instrumented for errortrace unless its’ in “compiled/errortrace” subdirectory, so maybe a better/simpler test is to check for that file being present and up-to-date.

2018-4-27 14:27:56

Thanks, will give that approach. I might be wrong but the only way to generate compiled bytecode with errortrace is through raco setup --mode errortrace, right?

2018-4-27 14:28:28

I assume that there are already functions in the api checking if the zo is present? and if it is up to date, right?

2018-4-27 15:25:36

@mflatt Does it make sense for make-interned-syntax-introducer to still accept a use-site? argument like make-syntax-introducer does? If the answer is yes, are interned scopes with distinct kinds considered distinct scopes? That is, does each symbolic key effectively produce up to two scopes, one with a macro kind and another with a use-site kind? Or should make-interned-syntax-introducer dispense with kinds entirely?

2018-4-27 15:29:35

Either of those two options would be fine with me.

2018-4-27 15:37:36

Probably not in the direct way that you want, unless I’m forgetting something. An implementation would be somewhere in get-module-code.

2018-4-27 16:38:54

@pocmatos ISTR seeing similar things in the source for dynamic-rerequire

2018-4-27 16:56:10

Thanks for the pointers.

2018-4-27 18:16:32

@mflatt It looks like I have something that works, but I’m not sure how to properly write a test case that exercises marshalling/unmarshalling. Are there some existing tests I could look at? I haven’t found them.

2018-4-27 18:17:50

Look for (write (compile ...)) patterns in “module.rktl” or “syntax.rktl”

2018-4-27 18:21:03

@robby Looks like background expansion got stuck for me again… here’s what ended up in my stderr, if it helps: drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 00 starting monitors drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 01 starting thread drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 02 setting basic parameters drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 03 setting module language parameters drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 04 setting directories drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 05 installing security guard drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 06 setting uncaught-exception-handler drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 07 starting read-syntax drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 08 read drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: 09 starting expansion drracket-background-compilation: expanding-place.rkt: kill; worker-thd stack (size 5) dead? #f: drracket-background-compilation: (make-generic-self-module-path-index . #f) drracket-background-compilation: (expand-module18 . #f) drracket-background-compilation: (expand-capturing-lifts . #f) drracket-background-compilation: (expand-single . #f) drracket-background-compilation: (#f . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/Users/alexis/gits/racket/racket/racket/share/pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/expanding-place.rkt> 123 7 4558 8520))

2018-4-27 18:22:47


2018-4-27 18:23:00

Can you send email with that to Matthew (and me)?

2018-4-27 18:23:26

The make-generic-self-module-path-index looks promising, since that involves an interning table

2018-4-27 18:23:37

can do

2018-4-27 18:24:05

No need – it’s clear that the table used by make-generic-self-module-path-index is the problem in this case

2018-4-27 18:24:22

okay, cool

2018-4-27 18:25:25

Oh sorry

2018-4-27 18:25:36

I didn’t realize we were in general. :)

2018-4-27 18:48:24

(serves me right for trying to answer things on my phone in another meeting :wink:)

2018-4-27 19:57:33

My Typed Racket is rusty so maybe this is new, but I don’t understand the notation (-> Any Boolean : point) here https://github.com/racket/typed-racket/pull/699/files#diff-50cc6fcfab42d982f6c481cca2318893R108 I don’t see it explained here: https://docs.racket-lang.org/ts-guide/types.html#%28part._.Function_.Types%29

2018-4-27 19:58:14

2018-4-27 19:58:58

> The type (-> Any Boolean : String) has three parts. The first two are the same as any other function type and indicate that the predicate takes any value and returns a boolean. The third part, after the :, represents the logical propositions the typechecker learns from the result of applying the function

2018-4-27 20:01:20

Is it wrong to think of this as a shorthand for (case-> (-> String True) (-> Any False))? (Or maybe Any is more like "(Not String)")

2018-4-27 20:14:13

@pnwamk ^

2018-4-27 20:14:28

@greg it’s kind of right, but also kind of wrong

2018-4-27 20:14:35

that isn’t how TR works

2018-4-27 20:14:47

but you could imagine a different system that does work that way

2018-4-27 20:15:00

and @pnwamk and I have been working on that

2018-4-27 20:16:06

To be clear, I have no deep thoughts about this. Just sharing one person’s naive first intuition. :slightly_smiling_face:

2018-4-27 20:17:26

The intuition I’d go for is (-> Any Boolean : String) says that it’s a predicate for Strings

2018-4-27 20:30:53

To expand more, I think an example would be ; Assume f has type (-> Any Boolean : String) (if (f x) ... ; in this branch, x has type String ...) ; in this branch, x would be something not a String

2018-4-27 20:31:29

without : String I guess TR won’t know that calling f would haved revealed the type of x

2018-4-28 04:43:36

How does contract-out work exactly?