2018-5-11 13:21:41

@proksi21 hi, are you still experiencing the same issue? I probably won’t be of much help since I haven’t used net/http-client library. You may want to post your issue on the Racker user mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/racket-users/ That list has frequent visitors who may be able to help you with your problem.

2018-5-11 21:38:28

is there a raco pkg install --everything-on-the-pkg-server option/script lying around somewhere?

2018-5-11 23:40:49

(Ah, or does anyone have a quick description for how to use the ‘pkg-build’ package…)

2018-5-12 00:57:39

@pnwamk You can use raco pkg catalog-archive to get all the packages in ".zip" form, and then you can do something like raco pkg install *.zip – although, if I remember correctly, literal raco pkg install *.zip doesn’t quite work; maybe the ".zip" files don’t have the right name

2018-5-12 00:58:54

But it does seem more likely that you want to use pkg-build. The “documentation” for the package is in comments in “main.rkt”.

2018-5-12 01:19:38

@mflatt thanks for the tips!