2018-5-21 07:41:24

@dustin Do you have a reference to their plt redex sources? I would really like to see what they’re up to.

2018-5-21 14:35:06

:rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: @robby on :fire: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/racket-users/SmLH25Z1sPI

2018-5-21 14:35:35

yeah, probably not my wisest hour

2018-5-21 14:36:08

@robby Oh, you attend Northwestern? You must be very smart!

2018-5-21 14:36:16


2018-5-21 14:36:28

I enjoyed seeing it xD

2018-5-21 14:37:08

glad it provided comic relief for some :slightly_smiling_face:

2018-5-21 20:44:28

Wondering if anyone could tell me why this program blames the server submodule (and ideally how to get it to blame the client instead): #lang racket (module server racket (provide (contract-out [struct base ([num number?]) #:omit-constructor])) (struct base (num) #:transparent)) (require 'server) (struct derived base (sym) #:transparent) (derived "not a number" 'bad) ;; blames server

2018-5-21 20:46:09

(The #:omit-constructor option doesn’t appear to be relevant to the blame.)

2018-5-21 20:47:45

@philip.mcgrath Wow, that’s subtle. I think you should probably open a bug.

2018-5-21 21:06:01

I guess I will do that. Usually when I see blame that isn’t what I expected the answer ends up being that I didn’t grok some nuance of the obligations the contract I wrote actually created, but I’m especially suspicious in this case because I don’t see any other way for the server module to enforce this kind of requirement (which I imagine is fairly common).

2018-5-21 21:17:31

When are we expecting to get a racket 7 release?

2018-5-21 21:26:01

I’ve opened an issue for the above: https://github.com/racket/racket/issues/2093

2018-5-21 22:50:15

I can’t figure out where to turn off coverage coloring. I’m walking through some of HTDP and don’t want code turning black after hitting run. I can’t find it to save my life.

2018-5-21 22:52:44

oh! is this part of BSL directly??

2018-5-21 23:18:06

I don’t know if this is the best way, but if you choose “Determine language from source” instead of “Beginning Student” in the language menu and then start your program with #lang htdp/BSL, you won’t get coverage coloring. However, you will also loose the stepper button, for example. (I don’t know if that’s intentional or if there is any way to use the stepper with #lang htdp/BSL.)

2018-5-21 23:19:51

Actually, the best way is to write test cases that cover all of your code paths :stuck_out_tongue: (Sometimes I miss having the black color to goad me into writing more tests.)

2018-5-22 03:39:07

@pocmatos the plan (see @mflatt’s email on Feb 20) is to have the upcoming summer release be Racket 7