2018-7-13 13:17:43

@pocmatos I thought of something I haven’t used much at all, but you could try? You could also try using M-x dabbrev-expand bound by default to M-/. It will do things like search buffers in the same mode (e.g. other racket-mode buffers). This doesn’t need racket-run, first. If you like the results, and you’re using company-mode, it can use multiple “backends” (sources). You could try setting company-mode to use both backends: completion-at-point-function (which will use racket-mode) and dabbrev? Maybe the order matters? If you do try that and it works well (or not) for you, let me know? I could also try experimenting but have to go AFK in a few minutes.

2018-7-13 13:20:03

[ dabbrev is “dumb” text search so you’ve likely to get false positives … but idk, maybe they’re few and obvious to ignore ]

2018-7-13 15:01:26

@greg I will give that a try.

2018-7-13 15:22:09

@mflatt re: form language #racket-school This would be really useful for CAP ORM (Civil Air Patrol, Operational Risk Management). I can show you the [many] questions pilots have to answer prior to flight release by a flight release officer.

2018-7-13 20:18:47

@minond.marcos has joined the channel

2018-7-13 20:56:36

@jeancarass has joined the channel